Guest Bloggers

Special K.

After I accepted Mark‘s invitation to be a guest writer in the week +1 span of his ‘vacation’ .. I came to the realization that If I were to post here as often as I posted on my personal blog .. my next post would be in a couple months.

However, you can be assured that in the span of my absence (and Marks); Marzouq will post about cartoons and toys, while Nibaq links you directly to the original content.

(If you count the K’s you get a prize.)


43 replies on “Special K.”

Is this a trick question? there are 31 visible K’s on this page and that of course excludes all the comments. lol.

The post and its title has 10 K’s.

The code of the post only has 21 K’s.

Am I there yet?

There are much more than 8 .. try again πŸ˜‰

More More!

Nope ..

Your getting close .. its not as easy as it seems

Oye como va mi ritmo
Bueno pa gosar mulata

Nope … πŸ˜‰

Its not 10 ..

I would have renamed the blog to if I could .. don’t underestimate my narcissim.

Z District:
Don’t forget about the letters that combine to form K .. or the numbers that can be seen as a K.

Too high! (or too low?)

This is going to be like Mark used to write interesting posts.

Boo is not the answer .. close tho.

Its quite simple .. provided you can count.

9 + 1?

Much more than 10.

The joys of unlimited K ..

None of the K’s are highlighted.

Armani Exchanger:
Some respond goes a long way.

No time .. no prize. πŸ˜€

He just wants you to some vacation and not some respond.

Muh’d Mansour:
You should work for the Government of Power, Water and Nonsense.

“Don’t forget about the letters that combine to form K .. or the numbers that can be seen as a K.”

You’re kidding right? OMG

I found 21 K’s and K sounds in the post only, plus the ones in the code, it would be 32 K’s.. hmmm. Oh, and if you count the Q in the words “Nibaq” and “Marzouq” to “sound like a K” then its the same answers + 2.

The title of the post in the browser title has a K and so does the tab.. so thats another + 2 K’s.

The template excluding the post and comments has +24 K’s.

Is it obvious how much I’m obsessed with numbers and details, yet?

If I had to choose, I’d say the Q’s dont count and the summation would be: 32 + 2 for titles + 24 = 58 K’s


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