I was looking for something when I came across a journal by ARUP, the British engineering and architect firm. The journal was from 1979 and discusses in great technical detail their involvement in the construction of Salhiya Complex. If you’re into this kind of thing, here is a link to the PDF.
For everyone else, here is a video of Salhiya Complex taken in 1984. (starts at minute 4:40)
9 replies on “The Construction of Salhiya Complex – 1979”
You’re on a roll with archives lately!
Accidentally 😅
Lot of Demolition works ongoing beside Salhiya complex. Wandering if they are going renovate the Al Muthana complex too or going for Demolition. I had visited few months ago and all the shops are gone. Went to the basement and the book shops are no more. Hope they renovate it but not like Dasman complex which I visited after your earlier post about this old building. Totally disappointed. Went to Behbehani building and thanks God it was still there. However some buildings beside the complex were emptied and marked for Demolition.
Bookshop closed down in 2014, Muthana has been that empty for around 10 years now with nothing new opening and only a few old shops still open.
Wow ten years ago. Time flies.
Muthana complex would be the perfect building to help the local youth start a business and set as a location that has life in my opinion.
Hope they do and come up with some new business ideas. Not just opening coffee and burger shops one after another and then closing down couple of months later.
My lovely Kuwait how much I miss it! Thank you for a roller coaster ride of emotions..
I’m living in Muthanna since 1992 before the existence of the new big malls in Kuwait and i have seen it deteriorate to its present sad condition. A couple of years back ownership of the complex transferred to the ministry of finance (it was BOT), and as a result the services have deteriorated even further. very sad. There is some talk that Salhia Real Estate will take over and renovate AlMuthann but so far nothing concrete.