
Alshaya Privileges Club Card


Alshaya have finally launched their loyalty card called “Privileges Club”. The card will have a number of benefits including automatically entering you into their monthly prize draws, giving you access to exclusive offers, and also offer you something they’re calling “VIP Experiences” where you will be allowed to pre-shop certain sales before the general public does, or get bigger discounts on certain collections.

I signed up to it yesterday while picking up tea from Teavana. It’s an easy process but you need to give them your name, phone number and birthday. I honestly didn’t want to give them my phone number since I didn’t want to get any ads on my phone but the employee told me she would put a note that I didn’t want to receive any messages. That was a complete fail since 15 minutes after leaving the store I got two messages, one welcoming me to the Privileges Club and the other telling me about a Sprinkles Cupcakes offer. I mean I don’t mind these Privileges Club messages every now and then I just hope they don’t give my number to their other Alshaya brands.

A Privileges Club app will be released soon which will allow you to control things such as what kind of SMS’s to get but right now if you want to unsubscribe from any of the Alshaya SMS mailing lists, all you need to do is call Alshaya support up on 1821212 and request to be removed. The process takes 48 hours and you can thank me later.

Update: Right after I published this post I got another message from Alshaya about a Katsuya offer. These messages should hopefully stop by tomorrow since 48 hours would have passed but if they don’t I’m going to end up canceling my card.

25 replies on “Alshaya Privileges Club Card”

If you’re with Zain you can stop the messages. Other providers should do it but you’ll have to ask them.
I don’t get any advertising msgs apart from Zain’s messages.
I do still get bank messages, just as well as burgan bank gave me chance to get free tickets for Star Wars on Thursday.

On Zain you can text STOP ADS to I believe 99999 and you will no longer receive ads from Zain’s third party advertisements. I don’t know if it includes such things related to this post.

Thanks for mentioning this, I spoke to Zain and yes finally I can get rid of the promotional messages. Just a note you need to send (ad off) to 99999 without the brackets.

I want!

Does this work like their other loyalty cards which is per country and you can’t use the same card for Alshaya brands in other GCC countries?

Considering a majority of regular retail stores and restaurants are run by alshaya,it’s definitely worth getting their loyalty card. Unless of course you’re an alshaya employee…. then you’re already getting the perks πŸ˜‰

I think it’s a weak attempt. What kind of loyalty program doesn’t give you points? They’re trying to pretend that a draw and access to sales prior to publicly advertising them is special?
You get that from other companies the minute you make a KD 50 purchase!
Al Tayer’s Amber Card is a loyalty program, even Paul Smith (Habchi & Chalhoub I think) has a loyalty program, that gives you this special “VIP access” to sales. You know what’s different with both of those? Actual cash rewards to spend more in their stores. Trying to pawn off that their highest purchasing customers get to come in and see sale stock prior to everyone else as a VIP program is a joke. Read the terms and conditions, to qualify for their quarterly draw, you have to have spent KD 1000 every 3 months, otherwise you aren’t included. So in other words, if I’m a “loyal customer”, and I’ve spent KD 200 every month at Alshaya shops, that’s not enough for them, doesn’t provide me any points or incentives to keep shopping with them, and makes me eligible for a monthly “Basic Draw” as per their T&C, where as long as you’ve spent KD 5 in a month you are eligible. I literally compete against everyone who bought two tall cappuccinos and a water, for what is likely to be a weak prize.

where are the terms and conditions written? KD1000 every 3 months is insane, i don’t think I spend that much eating out when u combine all the restaurants i go to over 3 months yet alone alshaya ones.

I just checked and to qualify for their monthly draw you need to spend at least KD5, that’s easy:

Participation – Basic Monthly Prize Draw

All Club members will automatically be entered into the monthly prize draw each time their Card or Mobile App is scanned at the time of their transactions in participating Alshaya stores and restaurants, subject to a minimum monthly spend of 5KD.

Additional entries into the prize draw will be automatically made for each cumulative spend of 5 KD in the relevant month.

A single member will be able to win only one prize each month. In the event that an individual with two membership cards (on two mobile numbers) wins multiple prizes, they will be allocated the prize of the highest value and the Club committee reserves the right to select a new winner for the additional prize(s).

Yeah, that’s what I was referring to competing against every person who makes a purchase of 2 cappuccinos. I get that you get an entry for every KD 5, but my point is who wants that vs actually points rewards for money spent? What this is is a way for them to be cheap. Much easier to have one award of KD 50 for all the people who spent more than KD 5 every month than to actually give a reward program based on actual spend. Al Tayer’s and Ooreedoo’s points systems aren’t great, but at least I know every 4 months I can purchase something for free. In the case of Ooredoo (wataniya) I’ve actually been getting KD 50 xcite vouchers 2-3 times a year, and is a main factor in why I didn’t avail of the number portability scheme.
If I spend KD 200 this month at Alshaya, I get 40 entries in the monthly draw. Imagine how many entries there will be in total on a monthly basis. For arguments sake, let’s say they have 1 million in sales. That’s 20,000 entries. My measly 40 entries is a joke vs actually getting KD 10 in rewards for KD 200 spent, that after 2 months I could get a KD 20 item in return for spending KD 400 with them.

Agreed! This is a waste of plastic. Even Shukran cards offer cash for points earned on every KD spent.

Alshaya has been taking their customers for granted for a while now with their mental pricing schemes. Has anyone working there heard of value for money? To add insult to injury, they come up with this ‘privileges’ card.

“Any resident or national of Kuwait may join the Club free of charge, by presenting a valid Kuwaiti mobile number and their legal name at any Alshaya store displaying the PRIVILEGES CLUB logo at which point you will be issued with a PRIVILEGES CLUB Card (β€˜Card’).”

Clearly someone there also needs a dictionary.

I was told the privilege cards will be for customers only in feb, prior to that only will be given to shaya employees.
Should probably collect mine too

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