“My Belongings” or “Moqtanayaty” (مقتنياتي) in Arabic is a small store in Kuwait City that sells vintage radios, boomboxes, record players and even cameras. Unlike most places that sell vintage items, all the vintage music players in this store are in working condition. They actually repair vintage music players, VCRs, and even old TVs. So say you have an old radio that stopped working, you could take it to them and they’ll try and fix it for you.
They have a lot of random items around the store as well from 8mm film and 8-track tapes to old telephones and clocks. The store is open from 9AM to 1PM and 4:30PM to 9PM. Here is their location on [Google Maps] and their instagram account is @vintage_radio_
Update: The place has moved, click here!
13 replies on “My Belongings Vintage Radio Shop”
Where can I buy a VCR. Not looking for anything classic, I’d prefer a new one. But I need to record live tv sometimes and the VCR is the best option for me still.
try al Al Yousifi Electronics or try Mirqab near the water fountain area opposite Baitek Tower.
Normally i have found Panasonic and samsung VCR or only.
Strange how you just posted this, I came across this store a couple of weeks ago and found bought some old kuwaiti vinyl records off him, I’ve just found another store in Shaab that has loads of vintage things as well, very cool!
where is the shaab place? i heard there was a place there that sold records but never found it.
Does he sell vinyls or a vinyl collection
i didn’t see any vinyls when i was there, but the place Yousef mentioned above I’ve heard has a large vinyl collection. that guy also has a store in the basement near marina mall but that store is never open.
Any amps? That would be amazing.
Where can I get a vinyl player in kuwait I can connect to my sound system ? Not costly though? Any recommendations?
Online is your best option.
I’ve passed the place a thousand times but never beem inside. Now if they sold something like vintage watches I’d be excited…
By the way, there is also a pretty decent Nepali restaurant above that.
Dope. Love places like this.
Timely, as my Tivoli has just given up! The shop is in Souk Kuwait building right?
yeah i think thats what its called, under the shisha place on the outside of the building