I was just reading Pearls blog when her post on Game Shows reminded me of my favorite show.. The Price is Right. I really love it, I don’t know why, I think maybe because it reminds me of the summer I spent in California. I was always terrible at guessing the prices of the items but thats because they would be like totally random stuff that I would never use in my life. Anyone know where I could find torrents of the show because I would really like to download some episodes..
3 replies on “Come on down!”
its like one the oldest shows on tv
and one of my favorites when i was a toddler (or atleast thats what my mom says) and the funny thing is that i was in california too 🙂
the price is right ran on tv for over 30 yrs! it is one of my fave shows. wanted to create a kuwaiti version of it. i loved bob parker!