
How to renew your car registration through Sahel

Video is in Arabic but shows you the step by step guide on how to do it. They don’t seem to mention how to get a printed copy of the registration though, only that once you update it you can then refresh the registration in your Kuwait Mobile ID app and it will be updated there. YouTube

If you’ve renewed your car this way, I’d be interested to hear about the experience or if you ran into any issues.

7 replies on “How to renew your car registration through Sahel”

I don’t get how is this different than going to a private car inspection company and renew it there? I mean you still have to take your car to inspection either way.

Yeah, this allows you to skip the step if you’re going to the MOI for the inspection. You basically now just do a drive thru which is faster than going to a private car inspection spot.

basically it’s not “fully” activated yet, you will only renew your insurance online via IRU then you will follow the usual procedures of going to get your car inspected then to traffic dept. to renew the registration. Ive done that back in March or April when they initially announced it.

And probably you`ll get the printed Daftar there if you pass the inspection. Doesn`t really make sense to be able to print your daftar from the app and then go to the inspection, no one will go.

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