Is it me or is everyone else also constantly getting spammed by Alshaya brands? I don’t generally give out my phone number to businesses so I don’t get that much SMS spam, but I had to give my number to West Elm because they had to deliver my furniture and since then I haven’t been able to stop them from spamming me. I’ve tried calling them and asking to be removed, I’ve sent them messages on Instagram and I’ve even tried blocking them on my phone but nothing seems to work. I used to get a message every now and then but recently they’ve started bombarding me a lot more frequently and its become extremely annoying.
Dear Zain and other telecoms, if you offer a service where for a certain monthly fee I could block all spam messages from my phone I’d be willing to pay and so would others!
46 replies on “Are you getting spammed by Alshaya brands??”
YES please! I thought it was just me! They cannot be stopped
I had the same problem called Zain asked them to stop commercial sms and haven’t received them since give it a try if you havent
the same issue I’m having hear, I receive msgs literally every two days, and nothing worked to stop them as well!
YES!! I got a spam text from Tamanna and I’ve never bought anything on it!
I get spam from a random shop that I have never shopped at as well. And I have had my phone number since 2002, so it is not because it was someone else’s number.
Alshaya CRM is super sh!!@y… some time ago I was trying to contact them on various mediums (call center, Instagram, email) and I was getting different responses from all.. I was amazed that they all didnt have access to the same system with the same information/ data/ details.. I even escalated through some one I know who works as a senior in the Customer Care department, but she was useless too
It’s free to stop spam at zain. Call them and they’ll tell you how.
Interestingly I googled it and in 2015 you had the same topic.
You know what the problem with this is, you will also stop receiving the SMS notification for the bank transactions
It won’t. I have Ads stopped for years now and I still get all targeted SMS including bank transactions and OTPs
Also worth noting that I have given them my number a few times before plus I’m signed up to their AURA app. Haven’t gotten a single SMS from them before.
I’m with Zain and had spam messages blocked for a long time but Bank notifications come through, OTP codes have always come through and
Cinema tickets always come through.
The only known issue I have had was with qualitynet who wanted to send he a link for payment renewal and couldn’t get that via sms as it was identified as spam so they just sent the link on WhatsApp.
Is that too distracting? Its good to see offers from outlets, so that you can get the best offer.
Mostly on Thursday’s i used to wait for these offer messages, before going for shopping.
I’m sure some people want these messages, the issue is some people don’t want them and it doesn’t seem like we have a choice in the matter.
Yup, and it happened when I signed up with Tamanna to buy some clothes from them. Once I did that, I started receiving newsletters from almost every brand AlShaya owns (a newsletter from each brand!). So I had to unsubscribe from each one of them
I think what they do, is if you sign up for one brand, they will automatically send you the newsletter from all their brands, which is not cool if that is the case
If you have registered on any of their apps, you consent to allow them to contact you for promotional messages. You can revoke your consent from the apps.
I don’t have any of their apps
As I understand they will only target you only if you gave consent to receive marketing materials from them I’m receiving the same from Namshi and Landmark too. But during black Friday I actually find it useful to be aware of the offers and I can opt-out to all marketing SMS whenever I want from the service provider.
They target you even if you don’t give consent. Who here is saying yes sms me ads please?
well, there is always this message on all websites (you agree to receive communication….)
but hardly anyone reading that and just hitting I agree.
Nobody is voluntarily going to their website and entering their phone number and saying I agree. The reason I’m getting messages is because I had to give them my number for a delivery and it’s now in their system.
Guys, ditch the iPhone and get the Google Pixel.
Life gets so easy (wrt your spamming issues) and you’ll thank me later 🙂
I’d rather get sms spam than have to deal with malware
Google Pixel with GrapheneOS installed. Thank me later
but no 5G Support here
Pro tip, get a non local WhatsApp number and only give that out when a business absolutely needs your number. Never had a problem with spam.
For less than $60/year I have a Chicago phone number from Skype (which also gives me unlimited calling to all North America, Europe, and the good parts of Asia.) I use that number to activate WhatsApp (the other plus here is that your WhatsApp number isn’t knowable to every idiot that has your mobile number to spam you with stupid forwards). It’s a win win win.
at this point, I’m willing to pay Shaya a monthly fee for them alone to stop sending me SMS 1kd a month is a good plan hell ill even pay for the 12 kd/yearly bundle
Most of these shops while we do the billing, ask for our mobile number and name. Everything starts from there. They keep on spamming with such crap messages.
Yes SMS and also EMAILS
well emails i’m guessing you can just click unsubscribe right?
I’ve started getting whatsapp msgs now too.
with whatsapp at least you can block, SMS is more difficult to block
I just mute the numbers in my SMS app (android). I receive all SMS but I don’t get any notification or popup and only see them when I open the app. Pretty convenient.
I’ve just called AlShaya customer care number (1821212 ) and asked them to stop sending spam sms messages to my mobile number!
they bombarded me with newsletters I didn’t sign up for, It was either the Starbucks app or Aura app that has access to my email
I’ve had the same issue but with emails. Since I signed up with the aura app, I have been receiving daily spam emails from all alshaya brands! There is nowhere that works to deselect all communication preferences and they still send them after unsubscribing from each individual brand email. It’s driving me crazy! Please stop ffs!
Most of the local companies when you click unsubscribe at the end that doesn’t work cause you still end up getting the emails from the same companies smh
You are not buying enough candles Mark!
Yooo! I thought it was me lol I’m glad i’m not alone. I get it from random shaya brands like Claires really? Last time I heard claires was when I had a ericsson phone. Plus I always make sure I tell them at the cashier don’t forward me offers so I don’t know how this is happening.
SInce I’m not alone I think someone messed or some ad agency sold data maybe
Anyone else getting spam calls from Pacific islands and even Falkland Islands? I block the number each time, but different ones from the same countries keep calling and sometimes they call between 2AM-3AM!
Yes it is a connect call cause it takes 2-3 seconds until you can hear something on the call. For me it’s always some investment house asking to invest money into stocks
Yes it is a connect call cause it takes 2-3 seconds until you can hear something on the call. For me it’s always some investment house asking to invest money into stocks
I hate it !!!! Its MAD !!!!! There should be a #alshyastopads or some petition to make a law for this and need your concent.
Switch to Google Pixel Phone & it has a unique feature to screen calls/texts. It is a helpful features to evade unwanted calls/sms from scammers, spammers and robot calls.
Yeah I’m not interested in downgradding my phone
WAS Ripped off with ” buy one get one free” bought things haven’t gotten the remaining extra items and their solution is you want to return the items for a refund. They have gotten so big they have no regard anymore for service.