Fashion Offers

Gucci Sale

Gucci currently have a silent sale taking place on some of their items. 50% off shoes and clothing while the discounted bags are 30% off.

Update: YSL next door at 360 also have the exact same sale taking place.

15 replies on “Gucci Sale”

Hey Mark, I’ve been a daily reader of your blog for 3 years now, and its part of my everyday life checking your blog, even though i moved away from Kuwait last year, i still read it every single day, and im really dissapointed in your recent blogs, they look like you just put any random video on your blog to seem like you blogged or like a tiny post with 2 sentences, announcing that you’re now blogging for a living, makes people expect a lot more from you than daily videos and tiny posts (if you even blog that day). we know that you’re probably busy with the apartment in Lebanon and all, but i just wanted to tell you that people have much much higher expectations than this.
like i said, im a HUGE fan of your blog, just please take this into consideration.

Hey it’s no problem at all. I don’t expect every post to appeal to everyone but I try to vary them as much as I can and hopefully one of my next posts would interest you.

Thanks for your feedback 🙂

Mark – Do you find it a bit creepy that people know about your life? You could get staukers? I really think that billq8 should have elaborated more on his expectations. What sort of postings does he expect? I think you do a marvelous job of keeping us informed on things in Kuwait that I would never know about unless I read your blog. Although I would never step a toe in a Kuwait restaurant, it is nice to hear about the small business ventures (burger joints) that are springing up all over town. I also enjoy it when I read the politics here and read how these young folks feel about things. a Shwarma getting political, yeh, in the middle-east that is possible. Anyway, good luck to you in Lebanon, not sure why you want to come back, but you grew up here and this is like your home. See, I know TOO much about you. Creepy!

I wouldn’t say creepy, uncomfortable is a better description.

Thanks for your comments, part of the new change is to loosen up with my postings. It got to a point where i had become really rigid but I need to start going back to the old mark who used to post a lot of random tidbits as well which is what this post is.

Come on Mark, gotta do better than this. You’re blogging for a living now. If the content stays as bland as this then….


Give Mark a break. If you really follow him on Twitter, you’d know that he just moved back to Kuwait recently. It’s not even 2 or 3 days. Let him adjust to his amazing new life, and then expect some new posts. 🙂

Yup I’m back and today is my first day at my new job blogging lol. Actually forced myself to wake up early and have a bunch of things I need to do starting with fixing the Kuwait Blogs app.

hi mark,
what do you mean by blogging for a living? is there such thing here in kuwait like that? i wanna do that too though i’m an architect lol. plus can anyone please tell me how is the sale ? is it that good to go check it or still not that different?
good stuff?

thanks mark

I have done research on those so called ‘sales’, turns out that the company still makes profits despite the sales, some stuff are sold prices are 3 to 5 times increased.

anything that isn’t as obvious as video games, phones, and gadgets that can check on amazon, is increased a lot.

I have done searches on names of stuff online, and discover difference.

order online, best way to save tons of money.

Don’t waste your money on faddish shoes. If you’re going to spend that much get something of quality from Crockett & Jones or Edward Green or John Lobb. You’ll never go wrong with a Goodyear welted shoe rather than some glue job. They’ll last you 2 decades or more if you take care of ’em.

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