
McDonalds Gulf Road is Coming Back

Back in June McDonalds closed down their Gulf Road location but looks like they’re coming back again but in a new location. McDonalds will be taking over the old Ruby Tuesday location right next to the Kuwait Towers which I think is a better spot than their previous one. There’s a lot more parking and it’s right under the Kuwait Towers so it definitely has a better view.

No idea on when they’re opening but it would be safe to assume it would be sometime over the next few months.

11 replies on “McDonalds Gulf Road is Coming Back”

I for one am not happy .We are all ready known for obesity now when an aerial photo of our iconic towers gets taken you will see the the Mc Donalds large golden arches next to it.

It’s not a Kuwait thing though, if you visit any touristic place in Europe you’re gonna find a McDonalds or Starbucks there. It’s sad but they’re the ones that have the money and thats where all tourists end up anyway.

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