
Gulf Road celebrations turn violent


28 replies on “Gulf Road celebrations turn violent”

This seems to be trend during these holidays. Today a small 5 year’ol boy was lost and walked and came towards the church crying. the church authorities looked all over for the boy’s family members until they called the police and the police took the child to the station.

is this the way, celebrations happen? kids abandoned, fights? traffic chaos…

It was probably one of those “he looked at me wrong” type situations like the fight at the P2BK event. This is what happens when broke Kuwaiti guys stay in the country, nothing to do and too many steroids leads to fighting with no shirts on, kinda like the incredible hulk minus the green tint.

Nothing interesting in this video as street fights have become so normal that many – me included – don’t care about or even notice.

The interesting thing in this video is how the shirtless guy smacked those who tried to break up the fight and then yelled “bring the knife” repeatedly.

Whatever the cause of this fight, its obvious that the shirtless guy has some self confidence issues !

Situations like this are exactly why it is important for men to have a basic understanding of self defense. Even if you are not a violent person, and you try your best to avoid conflict, their is a certain percentage of society that will actively look for trouble.

I teach Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for beginners 3 nights a week. It is basics to self defense, and unlike some of the striking martial arts, BJJ is more about using an opponents aggression against them–meaning you don’t have to punch someone and escalate the situation even further.

Anyone who is interested in training, follow @KuwaitMMA on Instagram for details.

are you kidding me!?Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is one on one binding then attacking type of fight, utterly useless on 5 on 1 fight, so I recommend boxing, out boxing, hit and run style where u use ur feat to lay a punch then retreat addeding counter are more affective for experienced fighter.

Dear Ray,

Teaching people martial arts is a very honourable profession. I have done it in the past.

By training people you are providing and outlet for all their potential energy.

This is good.

But when an idiot deliberately crashed into my car one morning during rush hour because he thought I was a foreigner, well… the martial arts training didn’t help. Of course I could have beaten the cr*p out of him but I elected to go to the police (like a good citizen), where the idiot admitted to his crime. I am still waiting to hear from the court. That was 3 years ago.

Martial arts can’t defend you from corruption and bureaucratic incompetence, but training is a good outlet for the frustrations we face in this country.


Looks like the Porsche was blocked by another SUV. Thats why the guys got out of their car and fought and then drove over the curb.

I think your approach is pathetic and you should consider changing your marketing tactics given the size of your class it’s definitely not working for you.

Love the opening of conversation. I’ll take just a few minutes to give some replies.

Electing to flee a situation is ALWAYS the best answer. 5 on 1, even with someone with a boxing background is not going to end well, realistically the attack moves shown by Jackie Chan in the movies are just that…things for the movies. I’ve spent 5+ years learning the art of the 8 limbs, Muay Thai, and am a fan of striking martial arts as well, competing professionally in Muay Thai, K1, and Boxing Internationally several times.

The thing I enjoy about BJJ is that the basic principle of the martial is keeping yourself as safe as possible during the attack-examples-being able to learn that if you are thrown, punched or kicked to the ground, not to let your head hit the floor–knowing how to protect your bodies vital organs while limiting the strikes that are landed against you. Understanding how to stand up and escape without putting yourself into a position where you can be easily pushed back down.

Boxing is a great martial art, however punching someone, usually only escalates the situation from an ‘argument’ into an ‘actual fight’

Conflict resolution skills that don’t result in escalating the fight is always something that people will benefit from learning.

“I’m Sorry”…”It was an accident”…is usually the first things I teach in my self defense seminars. You can’t argue with the word ‘I’m Sorry”, unless you are looking to escalate the situation.

Professor Stephen Kesting has a great video for basics of self defense, those of you waisting time at work, his basics are worth a watch and will give you a basic idea of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

100% it is best to put yourself in a situation where you can allow the law to do their duty. Crashing into my car is an issue about something money can replace, not an issue of protecting my wife, kids, or my own life. The police and law are there to protect you, which is why there is rarely any reason to take law into your own hand.

I believe it is ALWAYS best to walk away from a conflict when possible–This video ended well as the car was able to flee, no one ‘got the knife’, and despite the fact that a few people showed up on youtube in a real embarrassing situation…there was no real loss of face by anyone.

I also agree training in Martial Arts has many benefits beyond ‘fightng’.

weight loss from the exercise helps people live healthier lives. The outlet for releasing stress has proven to make help with both school and job performances, martial arts are a great way to meet new friends who share common interests of healthy living.

The National newspaper in the UAE just ran a great article about a US Navy member who avoided a rape while being a passenger on the public transit system.

realistically punching a fullgrown man as a women, is probably only going to continue to escalate the situation, despite trying to get away, being stuck on a bus made running a very limited option.

The BJJ experience this service woman learned during her military service came in handy, and in all likeliness helped her avoid a possible rape situation.

Not much I can say to a person who is posting anonymously.

My classes vary greatly in attendance depending on the day and specifically which class is on the schedule.

At this point however the total number of students currently training within all the various programs I am running is successful and is continuing to grow.

We have a good group of members, however the quality of the group is more important to me, than running a factory of members with no relationship or connection with the rest of the group. Martial Arts is more of a boutique training experience and all of my students have my personal cell phone, email, etc. My vision is not to have a group so large that none of the members are familiar with one another or know each other by name.

On a side note–I did find it interesting that the country of Brazil has decided to stop the use of tear gas, rubber bullets, pepper spray, and flash grenades to handle the Anti World cup protests.

This less violent response to the protestors has actually resulted in 262 less arrests, and far fewer civilian injuries.

I wont post on this thread again, as I feel like I’ve done a good enough job of explaining my point of view. Martial arts has many benefits other than ‘learning how to fight’–and I can honestly say I was involved in more conflicts before i knew how to fight, than I have ever been since actually learning how. Within martial arts comes self discovering.

“Ray Who”
feel free to follow my own blog or my own Instagram @RayElbe or better yet, feel free to gimme a call +965 975 61151.

Similar to the first time I hung out with Mark, I’ll even hook you up with a free private 1 on 1 lesson 🙂

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