I started getting a lot of emails after my Zinio post asking me how I am getting my apps from the iPad app store without using a US credit card. Well, in case you missed it, I already posted a step by step guide [Here]
Update: Here is a step by step walk-through…
1) Go to maximuscards.com and purchase an iTunes card
2) Open up iTunes and go to the iTunes store
3) Make sure you’re not signed in to your Kuwait account
4) Scroll to the bottom of the store and make sure the US flag is showing on the bottom right. If its not click the flag and choose US.
5) On the bottom of the iTunes store you will find a bunch of text links
6) Click on “Redeem”
7) Copy and paste the code Maximus Cards emailed you
8) Then choose create new account and follow the instructions (enter a US address)
9) When it comes to payment options there should now be an option called “none”, click that
10) Continue till the end and you should end up with a US account without having to use a credit card
When you run out of credits in your account you need to follow steps 1 to 7 and then for step 8 sign in the account you previously created. Below are screenshots showing the steps above.
Now if you aren’t interested in purchasing anything from the US app store but instead just want to download free apps that aren’t available in the Kuwait store (like CNN, Amazon and eBay) you can follow the steps below:
1) Make sure you’re not signed in to your Kuwait account
2) Scroll to the bottom of the store and make sure the US flag is showing on the bottom right. If its not click the flag and choose US.
3) Buy any free iPhone or iPad app from the US store
4) When you are asked to login create a new account
5) Enter a US address and choose “None” for payment method
25 replies on “Using the iPad App store without a US credit card”
Trying to buy one, but my local apple store here in the US ran out. Anyone visiting the US for tourism consider opening a US account its well worth it you can buy/download tons of stuff online.
how do u choose the credit card option as none??
its listed as visa mastercard americanexpress 4th option and paypal as radio buttons…there is no option for none!!
pls. advise or load a picture/video if u can about the process..thanks..!!
can i ask u the best way to BUY i-Pad.. the new 3G one ??
even i have DHL US mailbox.. they said hey don’t ship to mailboxs 🙁 they need human signature..
There is something missing in your instructions. If you simply clicked the US flag and clicked “Open New Account” you will NOT get the “None” option for the credit card. You will need to:
1 -Logout of your Kuwaiti iTunes account
2- Click the Kuwaiti flag at the lower right corner and choose US as your store
3- Buy ANY FREE iPhone or iPad app
4- When you are asked to login click “Open New Account”
5- Enter a US address and choose “None” for payment method.
You know the rest.
I love you Mark thank you :*
@BoBader thanks for the instructions…worked like a charm…Cheers!!
BoBader: I updated my instructions with another option that doesn’t require you to download a free app
@mark…@BoBader instructions doesn’t require you to make any purchases at all…
I see what you mean. Some people might just want to download free stuff. I will update my post to include his instructions as well.
The Apple store in Kuwait are selling Gift Cards for iTunes so insted of buying in over the web you could by it here in Kuwait. The apple store in Marina Mall they have iTunes Gift Cards. But they never have alot so depending your luck they might have or sold out and wait for next shippment. Their iTunes Gift Cards are in US Dollars
Yeah but much cheaper online
They are also having Itune cards in the the Blink store in Hawalli .
I usually get my cards from there at a reasonable price .
25 $ itunes 8.5 Kd
50$ itunes 17.5 Kd
100$ itunes 32 Kd
There is no “none” option for me in iTunes and i relly want to download apps from it for my ipad so please can you help me.
Hey mark
Thanks for your efforts to make this “tutorial”
But there’s a much easier way to make a us iTunes account by just signing out,downloading a free app in the us store. Then you’ll be asked to sign in , out sign up , when signing up that way , you’ll have the “no payment” option.
written from an iPad :p
It worked but first you should choose a free app and not directly create a new account
Roy: There are two different ways of doing this which you can see above. One involves buying a free app the other requires you to buy a voucher
Mohammad: That’s no easier since it won’t allow you purchase apps. The other direction allows you to purchase apps and download free ones as well.
Euphoria: The prices seem very cheap so watch out they’re not pirated chinese ones that will end up getting your account closed with iTunes.
Welcome everyone.
Mark. Do you get problems accessing iTunes Music store from your iPhone using the 3G connection in Kuwait? I remember I got a something like “the Music store is not available in this country” when I use 3G connection in Kuwait even though I am using my US account. Sometimes it happens sometimes i didn’t. I am interested to know if this also happens with AppleTV.
if you’re logged in to the app store with your US account you can log in to itunes music store. if you’re logged in as a kuwait account or you’re not logged in at all you will get the error u posted
There are actually iTunes cards Sold in Q8, I know a guy selling them and I use them 🙂
That’s weird!!
When i first got the Ipad i swear i bought some apps from my Kuwaiti credit card and US address. But now when i try to buy anything i get the zip code error message ?
Thank you you helped us alot but i am afraid i finished my 50$ in one day
and now iam trying to buy another they said they will send one pound charge and code will show on my bank statment ….why is that do you have any idea ?
That was very helpful. thanks!
hi sir,
I cannot redeemed the itunes because there is a message that the code must be redeemed in US store Front. I am working in kuwait with an ipad mini i want to to buy some itunes what will i do?
someone can help me regarding this matter? Thanks!!