A few days ago someone started a thread on Reddit asking about budget accommodations in Kuwait and specifically about a hostel run by the Kuwait boy scouts. That reminded me about the Salmiya Youth Hostel which I found by accident awhile back and was surprised it existed. Doesn’t seem anyone has any info on the hostels except that there were six of them in Kuwait and they were all closed down by the authorities back in 2011.
If anyone has any information on the history of hostels in Kuwait let me know cuz I’m curious.
14 replies on “Hostels in Kuwait”
I think Now this hostel in hawally , near scout building
where is the scouts building, can u give me directions or point it to me on google maps
Please mark, we are done with the daily dose of reading /r/kuwait for today. on 248am to find something new :p
Nice. Reversible sentence 🙂
It is near to the Dar Al Shifa hospital roundabout, next to the communication tower.
Stop posting our stuff from reddit. It’s meant for the reddit community only. It’s a small community; no one wants their posts on one of the most read blogs in Kuwait.
thats not how reddit works
Reminded of a frat house lol
Can you quit telling people about reddit? Its like my only escape from Kuwaiti society.
Lol are you serious. Reddit is way more popular than 248AM. I have pics up there that had more than a million views, no offense to mark but I don’t think he’s ever had a million views on a pic
he’s talking about r/Kuwait/
If someone is going to /r/Kuwait to “escape Kuwait” they need internet lessons
What a bunch of Debbie Downers, I bet all of you whiners actually clicked on the link and read the thread. What’s wrong with Reddit?
I saw them demolishing the site this morning. Remembered reading this post and thought I’d leave an update.