Interesting Kuwait Shopping

Ikea + Solar Power = Super Cool

Last month while browsing the web I landed on a website which spoke about some cool solar powered lights that Ikea was going to introduce into the market. To my surprise, while shopping today at Ikea I spotted the lights! They had the whole collection and the most expensive one (pictured below) was for around KD6 and that was because the set contained five light sticks. That’s pretty cool and cheap!

10 replies on “Ikea + Solar Power = Super Cool”

Hey Mark,

I seen this solar panel for charging laptops and other small devices like Ipods, cell phones etc. at Debenhams at the airport. I thought it was pretty cool too….

my brother got those for the garden before the gov came & asked us to pull the whole thing down, they really were pretty cool! I miss the garden

Finally some corporate social responsibility coming up! Other stores should follow suit!
I am gonna get these….

man ive been to ikea today
they’re not cheap at all!

comparing to ikea prices!
an aluminum piece with a very tiny light costs 3,900kd !

another item cosists 5 small lights (size of a pen) is like 6kd!

yeah thats cheap! The tiny lights are LEDs and they all have solar panels built in on top so they charge during the day and light up at night. How much did you want them to cost under a dinar?

yeah man its ikea,
check out their lights section

nothin is that expensive out there, (size relative) but i guess green power costs alot to produce thats why its not commen

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