Interesting Kuwait

We Are Different

When it gets cloudy, cold and wet we love it here in Kuwait. Its been raining all day today and atleast a dozen people have come up to the window next to me, look out and say what nice weather we have today. Another example would be BusyNow, I was checking his blog and he posted a picture from the Munich airport (he went on vacation) and its like cloudy and wet outside and his comments were “Im in munich now the weather is great and i like the place.”

11 replies on “We Are Different”

Aaaarrrghhhh!!!! I am dying for some rain in Dubai…. the weather has been seductive.. i mean … it looks all day like its gonna rain and then …. it gets sunny all of a sudden …

just a note…gloomy and dark weather, cold too – is always far more romantic than sunny or warm weather…
hug the person you love in the cold dark wet nights here in London and youll get my point.
of course if your single come over and ill hug you to prove im right lol!

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