Ok, I just installed Tiger on my Mac at work and I am fucked. One of the most important softwares I have called Extensis Suitcase is not yet compatible with Tiger. This means that I am stuck with default fonts in softwares like Illustrator and Photoshop. Now I need to figure out how to go back to Panther… THIS SUCKS!
Update: Ok this is what I did to kinda solve my problem for now. I copied the fonts I need the most to Library>Application Support>Adobe>Fonts. Now my fonts work with my Adobe Products. I will keep checking the Extensis Suitcase Tiger Compatibility Chart everyday till they fix it.
5 replies on “Designers Tip: Do Not Install Tiger”
apple has the same problems that windows have , only that windows is used more so people notice it more
Tiger is an big update on lots of fronts, there is more things under the hood that people dont notice.
But it is Extensis’ fault, they should have been more with Apple knowing that there is an update and be ready for it.
yeah i know, when you first look at it you think there is nothing but some minor cosmetic changes. This is why i was in a rush to bring it to the office. i was like yeah looks nicer, moves faster, let me just install it at the office also. should have checked adobe and extensis compatibility though. It happened to me when i moved up from 10.2 to 10.3, Fell for it again!
guess what…???
Google has a search page dedicated just for Apple/Macintosh…
here is the link:
google has a search for everythign!!!