50s to 90s Kuwait Photography

Great vintage picture

I saw this picture on my friends facebook page and I thought it was worth sharing with everyone. It’s an amazing shot taken I’m guessing in the early 70s when they were still constructing the Kuwait Towers. Can anyone tell me what car that is?

Thanks Farah!

Update: Turns out its a 1977 Nissan Skyline. Beautiful car.

Update2: Turns out the photo was originally taken from KuwaitStar on [Flickr]

38 replies on “Great vintage picture”

Kuwait Towers used to be the shizz, i wonder why they havent maintained it. Would be awesome to have a zuma there.

the q8 towers construction was initiated in 1975…..fa its mid 70s not early 70s.
the car is not cressida im sure, can be a skyline.

المشكلة انه ال 77 صار سعرها هالوقت أغل] من سعرها على أيامها من عبقرية بعض الناس حديثي التوظيف

ثانكيو مااان

C10 Skyline GT

Not a 1977! this was produced from 1968 to 1972

Aslo called “HakoSuka”!

I NEED one baaaaaaaaaaad

The lettering on the grille looks like the start of the word “Chevrolet” and it reminds me of the ’70’s Chevrolet Firenza.

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