At the office I am on a 512kb Fasttelco connection. At home I am on a 512kb Qualitynet connection. I ran a bandwidth test at both locations and the following were the results:
Communications: 475.4 kilobits per second
Storage: 58 kilobytes per second
1MB file download: 17.6 seconds
Subjective rating: Not Bad
Communications 362.5 kilobits per second
Storage: 44.3 kilobytes per second
1MB file download: 23.1 seconds
Subjective rating: Not Bad
In both trials, no one but me was using the connection on the network.
Winner of Round 1: Qualitynet
9 replies on “Qualitynet Vs Fasttelco – Speed Review”
What website do you use for your tests? just added link to post
that’s so cool .. now i have something to look at on those nights of insomnia
Communications 1.4 megabits per second
Storage 168.7 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 6.1 seconds
Subjective rating Good
Geo what connection do you have? With shownet the max I hit was 1.1 megabits per second
i got verizon dsl
people don`t go for fasttelco , the worst and slowest internet provider in kuwait.
2 years I had 1Mbps connection with KEMS and since 6 month GPON (fibreoptics) which was excellent with download and upload.
But since KEMS this year didn`t put an offer I switched to fasttelco offer 1Mbps and between 1am-7am 6Mbps , what a waist don`t go for fasttelco. here are my result for fastelco 1Mbps (using LAN/router and also Wifi same result !!)
Download Speed: 138 kbps (17.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 51 kbps (6.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
What a waist I have complained several times and I`m going to cancel my subscription and go back to KEMS , fastelco support staff also are the worst I ever seen they take long time to reply and they don`t know anything.
I was a fasttelco staff myself and back then they were great ( 2008 – 2009 ) but now i can agree with all of you that they are BAD !! but considering that i haven’t tried other ISPs i can’t compare .. BUT if you guys can advice which is the best ISP for online Gaming and downloads then please do ..
which ISP gives more upload/upstream in kuwait on fibre?
Fasttelco says “we give u 1.5mb upstream either you subscribe for 1mb package, or 8mb package” and fasttelco also claims that no ISP in kuwait gives upstreat more than 1.5mb on fibre.
Qualitynet says “we give half of subscription package, for example with 4mb package we give 2mb upstreatm, and with 8mb package we give 4mb upstream”
can any one tell me who is lying and which ISP gives more stable upstream on fibre.
thanks in advance.
At home you are single user, where in office you are sharing with other people unless you are only the user with dedicated connected. simple as that dude.