I was listening to VOA (96.9) over the weekend and this show started I forgot what it was called but basically it was a show where you would call in and give your feedback about VOA. I thought that was perfect, I could finally call in and complain about their stupid special english show, and how the way they say the news at night very slowly is such a stupid idea. So I pick up my phone and wait for them to give out their number when this guy from India calls in. The guy was blind, and he spent the next 10 minutes talking about how the special english show was the best and how it helped him learn English. He kept asking the announcer if his English was any good and the announcer would reply yeah its great, then the blind guy would say well this is all because of your show. Then he kept on going about how he loves the way they present the news with a vocabulary of only 1500 words and how it helps him and his friends improve their english. Anyway after all that bullshit I put my phone down, there was no way I was gonna call in after a blind man and complain about a show which helped him learn english. Just my luck, now I got to wait till next month when they air the show again to call in.