The Cinemagics rooftop screenings are now back again after a long hiatus. During the time off they upgraded a few things including the cinema screen which is now larger than their older inflatable screen. The new screen is also permanently fixed and so will improve the overall image quality of the projected films. They also removed the bulky inflatable couches and replaced them with more compact and comfortable bean bags. This also means their roof can now fit up to 100 people comfortably.
The screenings will be taking place every Thursday and Saturday and are free. I’ve posted the first two movies up on the events page and you can check them out [Here]
8 replies on “Cinemagics Rooftop Movies are Back”
Wooow one of the best events i used to enjoy before… very chill and relax and also amazing selected Movies and Docu…
Seeing films in “winter” also means we don’t hear the loud noise from the AC units on the roof… Although I remember once almost freezing to death up there!
so cool that its free now. how do they cover they costs though?
hey, have you heard about the outlet it will be opening soon,
it would be great if you could get some inside info.
Hows the gathering? Can a girl’s group go watch the movie or is it densely men populated sort of crowd?
probably more girls than guys
How about the language, i hope they would play it in English?
movies are always in english, been going here for along time 🙂