
Big D – Open My Eyes

Open My Eyes is Big D’s new song and it’s probably his best one yet. [Vimeo]

19 replies on “Big D – Open My Eyes”


why do you consider this to be his best? I dont see anything different in this song (except the video) its pretty much the same as the other songs

Because of Two words: FUCKING EPIC!

Lyrically. Beat. Flow. And Music Video!

This is simply incredible!

I assume you are his friend. dont get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with friends sticking up for each other. but you are obviously seeing something that we dont.

but anyway good luck for him

Passion, dreams and hard work=success . Throughout the years big dee became lyrically stronger, promoted himself very well not having much support. Not following mainstream ideas and topics. Whether you like his work or not you have to admire his individualistic approach.

Progressing !!! It’s safe to say, that is better than those video’s he made before. coming up with a genuine beat is the key.

He doesn’t seem to handle criticism all that well. Give this post a few hours, his fans will swoop in and start berating anyone who doesn’t love him.

I can see that this guy is improving plus im not really a fan but this song is definately a plus for him. Good luck

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