I was researching on food when I came across this text which I really liked and would like to share:
Eating is a biological necessity, but answers about what is eatable and not only edible, the way we prepare food, the way we serve and consume meals in social settings are to be searched for in cultural and religious contexts.
We are born into a culture with its set of social relations, traditions and developments, values, food standards etc. During adolescence we get taste memories, which have an influence on our food choices, but we are challenged by different kinds of food, different kinds of lifestyles and culturally different ways of eating. We meet the unfamiliar and strange when we travel, through ethnic food restaurants and when we go shopping. The world is not static; changes seem to happen faster in relation to what we eat today, when, where and with whom we dine daily and on festive occasions. Industrial food production and the global market exist alongside the regional and national kitchens. Urban meal traditions, art of cooking, advertising, technology and taste affects us.
Taken from here.
One reply on “Something I want to share”
Mark, what you’ve said can be summed up by the following book title: “You Eat What You Are: People, Culture and Food Traditions” by Thelma Barer-Stein. I strongly believe that statement to be true, contrary to the oft-quoted “You are what you eat.”