Food Technology

Shawermanator T-1000

In the future, there will be no more shawerma guys, there will be shawerma robots. [YouTube]

16 replies on “Shawermanator T-1000”

To be honest, it seems like its not the best idea. how many times have u been to a shwarma place and fun talking with the guys? plus it seems slow. the only way i see it working is if the whole shop was automated including cooking fries and everything! get what i mean?

This is stupid. The maintenance on that thing will be the same cost of hiring a shawerma “master” for a whole year. not worth it.

shawarma guy costs KD 60 per month.
That machine would make sense for a factory that make those ready made meals in a country such as germany where shawarma guy might be paid 400 euros ;/

Bad idea! this will prevent the sweat and hair of the Shawerma guy going into your sandwich .. that what makes Shawerma taste good!

maybe not exactly on topic, but thats about Doener, a turkish food, very common in Germany – is it somewhere here available? taste is totally different than shawarma…


With all due respect to the robot.. i still prefer the shawerma guy.. basically i like my meat cooked.. and the forsaken robot is peeling meat regardless the meat is cooked or not..!

One of the best shawermas I’ve had is at Kurdo at the 360 mall.. Theres one in salmiya too, but the guys at 360 make it better 🙂

As for the shawerma-nator, I still think the best shawermas are handmade…

@ Jens

I’ve had Donner in Germany and it tastes totally different. There is a place in Salmiya called Donner & Donner. I haven’t been there but I should probably go and check it out..

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