
Instagram Ads Launching in the Region Soon


As some of you might have heard, Instagram advertising soft launched awhile back in the States, but what you might not be aware of is that it will also be soft launching in our region very soon. Advertisers will soon be able to place ads within your photo stream which will most likely have a big impact on Instagrammers who currently charge for posts.

Not only will advertisers no longer need to pay Instagrammers, but by placing ads directly with Instagram they can accurately target their customer base. Right now there is no way for example to tell where the followers of a certain Instagrammer are residing, that will all change with Instagram advertising since advertisers would be able to specify who they want their ads to be seen by.

The official word from Instagram MENA is that they will be beta launching the program shortly with a limited group of advertisers. They wouldn’t give me a specific launch date since it still hasn’t been finalized, but from what I’ve been hearing in the grapevine, its expected to launch within the next couple of months. The partners for this launch have already been set and I know one of them but I sadly can’t share who they are because I was told off the record.

Instagram advertisers will have two buying mechanisms once this program launches:

Self-serve: This will work similar to how Facebook Ads work and, similarly, will be priced by an auction.

Insertion Order: Managed clients will also be able to book these which are sold on a fixed price, but rates arenโ€™t yet established for the region.

The targeting aspect of these ads will function similarly to how Facebook targeting currently works.

As I mentioned, Instagram will be soft launching soon with a limited group of advertising partners. This means for now Instagrammers will not be losing a lot of income. But once this program launches officially and to everyone, they’ll most likely feel the pinch.

Update: I just opened Instagram and noticed the ad below so I’m guessing the soft launch might take place this month.


35 replies on “Instagram Ads Launching in the Region Soon”

YES, i hope so too!!

I’m also interested to see the effect this will have on the instagrammers making money off of advertising…


This will be great for a company that want to start up and have a low budget on advertising.

what people were charging for a post on IG was = /face palm, but they will still people and company who want direct adverts and people will stay pay, but not as much now.


Oh man, does this mean I will be bombarded with useless ads? I already have to deal with strangers sending me direct message ads which are annoying.

IG is pushing users to other apps all because they are trying to make more money, wasn’t FB being ruined enough?

Not trying to make more money, but actually try and make money. Instagram right now isn’t making any money at all. It’s free, you don’t pay for the app, you don’t charge to post pictures. So there’s two ways to go about this, 1) they charge you to use instagram or 2) they keep isntagram free but generate money with ads.

They really can’t do #1 otherwise they will kill the reason people use IG; so they are back to #2.

Its the same story with Facebook.

IG gets money even with out ads !

First. Info and access to pictures for Government Support.

Second. Email Lists, all those people that register = might be sold to give away their emails for advertising purposes..etc

Third. Search Data that based likes + search terms on IG on each IP to target info for advertising purposes with out side company on each specific user.

Fourth IG is a part of FB so they get alot of money even with out ads but they don’t have to tell the whole world.

IP Address’s / Locations / Emails / Search interest based on each IP/email & …etc of many things = money

Google & Google adwords works in a similar system ” geographic locations ” which be targeted via IP ( Yes it’s an ad system, but same goes when you go ” Google ” things ).

it’s a known fact that government often uses social media to track down people and thus taking the support of social media sites

I might be wrong about all of this but I will say this simply, that amount of data is not just sitting it’s being shared wither it’s free or not.

I absolutely am right. Here, this took me 10 seconds to google:


Current Valuation: Acquired by Facebook in 2012 for initial price of $1 billion

Instagram made headlines last spring when Facebook agreed to pay $1 billion for it even though it was only a year and a half old and had generated no revenue (the final purchase was $715 million due to a decline in the value of Facebook stock). Today Instagram is basically in the same spot, revenue-wise. The company has only begun introducing sponsored posts in the last few days. But as an inherently visual medium with 150 million active users, it could become a profit center for Facebook in the future.

Just an FYI, “No Revenue” means no income. They’re just starting to generate income with sponsored ads. I can’t believe you think Instagram are selling information to governments or the emails of their users to marketing companies. Go look up the definition of ethics.

I don’t think we’ll necessarily bombarded with ads, Twitter for instance has “promoted” Tweets and they just show up once in a while and aren’t really obnoxious. I doubt it’d be anything like Facebook.

It’s really not that bad, I live in the States and using Instagram here I find one ad for about every 30 photos from people that I’m following.

I think it wont change too much. Companies still advertise in newspapers and magazines, and they still pay celebrities to endorse their products.

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