Information Internet

This is Why Your Internet is Currently Slow

If you’re wondering why your internet has been slow the past two days its because one of the main fiber cables providing internet to Kuwait was cut. No sharks were involved this time around since it was a terrestrial cable that was cut and not a marine one.

The cable was supposed to be repaired by the next day but MOC must have run into issues since it’s now been 2 days now and the issue still hasn’t been sorted. A redditor who works at one of the local internet providers has been posting updates over the past couple of days keeping us posted on the current status:

[23/5/2016 11:00am] So far its not resolved. MOC contractor is working on restoring the links. Hopefully within next 1-2 hours it should be restored. I will update you guys.

[23/5/2016 12:45pm] Links are up now. Cheers!!

[23/5/2016 2:00pm] Links came up for some time and went down again. Seems like they are still doing quality testing on the link. More update to follow.

[23/5/2016 6:55pm] As per latest update, MOC contractor has stopped working. All links are still down. They will continue working tomorrow. Seriously don’t know why its taking soo much time. Normally terrestrial fiber cut are restored in few hours. šŸ™

[24/5/2016 9:25am] Seems like the cut is in no man’s land between Saudi and Kuwait. As per fresh update, team is on site and have started the work. More update to follow.

[24/5/2016 12:30pm] Looks like the cables are severely damaged. Contractors are considering replacing the whole segment between the two manholes.. More to follow.

To stay posted on the latest status of the internet situation in Kuwait, keep checking the original reddit thread [Here]

Also here is an interesting tidbit he shared which might explain why my mobile phone connection is faster then my home one at the moment:

Whenever there is any cable cut in the region, these ISP will limit bandwidth for residential users in order to provide additional bandwidth to mobile companies since they pay more per MB bandwidth than residential users.

10 replies on “This is Why Your Internet is Currently Slow”

As per KEMS:

We regret to inform you that we are experiencing intermittent degrade performance over Internet due to multiple uplink fiber cable cut between Kuwait ā€“ Saudi border. Case is been referred to Ministry of Communication (MOC) Kuwait/Cable provider vide ticket#117759. We will revert to you as we receive further updates/ETR from MOC/cable provider.

Internet services will remain operational on available alternate capacities. However, intermittent degraded performance to certain networks will be experienced.

They need to enjoy their weekend too! Employer needs to pay extra if calling upon employees, off on weekend. Skeleton staff could do just that much.

Well, that’s the problem when the govt limits the rights to land cables and refuses to issue new licences. Perhaps if the MOC acts like a typical MOC and not a profit centre then these issues would be resolved faster ny the private firms that compete with each other.

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