Automotive Funny Kuwait

Aston Martin New Logo

Since a large stake of Aston Martin was purchased by Investment Dar and Adeem Investment Co it makes Aston Martin a Kuwaiti company and this is why I suggest they update the Aston Martin logo with something that relates to Kuwait. This is one suggestion:

aston martin logo

Another suggestion would be to replace the dhows on the Kuwaiti currency with silhouettes of Aston Martins…

update: A friend suggested maybe Aston Martin can now release a small white pickup truck (waneyt)

49 replies on “Aston Martin New Logo”

for the whining cunts out there: its not insulting…its funny…and a bit funnier than your “wa7id m7ashish dash il diwaniya” jokes…

2nd thing, he cant get into trouble so STOP fucking spamming the comments page, i wanna read something intellectual or good feeback or the occasional laugh, not your nonsense.

Yeah i read about the shouting incident after i posted that comment.
How weird.
Maybe Nat should do the interview seeing as he seems to be much nicer with the girls.
But i dont know who that other dude with the gadgets is…never seen him.

Kuwait Investment Authority owns 20% stake in Mercedes for at least a decade now, nobody has said a thing about that.

Kuwait is the second largest shareholder of DaimlerChrysler after Deutsche Bank, Dubai Holding is 3rd. So in retrospect, Kuwait invetsments have done well abroad and has proven our experience in buying solid companies. I won’t be surprised if they film a James Bond movie now in Kuwait….

As a Kuwaiti, I take serious offense not at the logo that Mark designed as a joke, but at the self-righteous, humor-challenged whining commenters.. It’s people like YOU who give Kuwait a bad name!

Lighten up!

I’m fine with the logo, but the comment about the waneet. You’re pushing it Mark. It’s not that bad but comming from you it really pisses me off! I mean no offence but a black guy would get away with calling someone a niger but a whitey won’t.

how am i pushing it? what the hell did you find offensive in that??? and how does calling a someone a n*gger relate to aston martin making waynets??

Now the waneyt is offensive??? I thought it was hilarious!

I was thinking Aston Martin should now move away from their elegant and classy colors and do more cars in white, since that’s what most taste-challenged people go for here


No he didn’t!!! Pickup trucks or waneets are big sellers here, and it doesn’t matter who drives them

He could’ve easily meant a souped-up pick up truck that many rich Kuwaiti teens like!


azteca, the only way what u had to say would make the slightest fucking sense in the world is if u and ur family are one of the people that drive a waneet with ur brothers stuck in the back with the sheep. and bigfan would be another example of thus.. because he thinks that everything has to do with bedoins being stupid and driving waneets…says alot about himself, espicially since bedouins are stateless ppl….get a life

I am Kuwaiti and I drive a Wanait, I have never carried sheep in the back and I am pretty confident that I am smarter than you.

Then only person that is saying that Wanaits are being driven by ‘bedoiuns’ and carrying sheep is you. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you stopped making racist comments about Kuwaitis.

Adam, spell check. It’s a nice little plugin that makes people look more professional, ESPICIALLY since you’re making a lot of sense in your debate. I don’t expect mark to be man enough to approve this post but I had to get it out of my system. I am a bedoin, I do drive a white waneet with sheep in the back and I am proud of it. If you have a problem with that, get the fuck out of Kuwait. This is our heritage and like it or not, bedoins are here to stay. But, to see a bunch of internet geeks and Lebanese fags make fun of this really pisses me off. Mark, sorry for the insults. Adam, stateless your mama! You want to read “something intellectual”? Go read a newspaper because you sure aren’t going to get anything here! How dare you call bedoins stateless, it tells you how “intellectual” you are. Shame on me for waisting my valuable time on asses like you.

7ilwa!! LOL

BTW…you didn’t have to change the water to tar. It’s James Bond’s car, it surely can hover over water!

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