In reply to the previous post titled “Crackdown in Wonderland“, a regular reader Fadibou commented saying the following:
Hi Mark and all of you. I work in a software company here in Kuwait and its frustrating to see people supporting Piracy. Piracy is a nice word for stealing. Copying software and selling it without permission and without giving money back to its creator is pure theft. As for the crack down, it will increase and hopefully soon there will be no place to buy pirated(stolen) games and software. As for your remarks that a lot of games are not worth buying, well try getting evaluation copies or demos. They should cover your investment before you buy. As for Rihab, Can you please tell me which shop did help you get Doom 3?
Doom 3? I don’t know what you are talking about.. (starts whistling casually)..
11 replies on “Crackdown Advocate”
See what you do! see! next thing they will close fast food chains, and you will end up eating at some 7omos and taboola place 🙂
Hehehehe, Mark didn’t purchase Doom 3 he hasn’t even heard about it 😛
thank you dude for making our life hell
I think I’m gonna enjoy playing Doom 3. I watched Mark play last time and he was almost sh*tt*ng in his pants hehe:) I just have to finish playing metroid on the game cube first. I like scary games.
Thank you Mark for posting my reply, its highly appreciated 🙂
FYI Game Center in Rihab sells Doom3 for 18 KD. you have to be a regular customer to get that price. As for other games, I would like to see people selling their used games as its a good habit to cut down from the cost of new games. I buy used games from the US (each time I visit) for 12$ to 20$ and can usuall resell for 10 $ max which is ammazing and this way new games can cost less after all.
PS: Halo2, Need for Speed UG2, Fable, Ninja Gaiden for SALE :). 20$ each.
hey fadi, Doom 3 costs 18kd, 17kd if you are a customer. Limited edition costs 22kd, 20kd if you are a customer.
i used to buy second hand games from amazon for like 9$ and stuff. but then i was like fuck it and went and chipped my xbox.
The only problem with Doom 3 is that its too scary. I mean I can watch horror movies and convince myself there is nothing to fear, its a movie, but DOOM 3, shit thats scary. I can’t play games when my wife is around (Women love attention) and cant play doom 3 when i am alone!!!
3 Days off starting tomorrow, any tips for a place to take nice shots?
Thanks Mark for the price tip, Ill make sure i get a better price this weekend.
One question I ask myself when I look at piracy is that will that person buy the orignal? And most of the time the answer is “no”.
All those kids who go to Rihab to buy games every week if they were only allowed to buy orignal, you would see them there just maybe once a month or or even every three months. Cause no one is going to buy a $40 game on a weekly basis then play for it for an hour or two then decide they hate it. This goes with music, movies and software.
Myself for example in software, I had to use Adobe Illustrator for a small work project. If I had to buy it and spend 499 and use it for those 2 days. It would be so pointless and a waste of money. Even after the project was over I uninstalled it cause it was taking up space on my HD and I know I would never use it again.
So when companies and orginzation complain they are losing revenue, are they sure? Will those people supposedly pirating it actually ever touch their product?
fadi: aouni walla ouwet?
Reply to Nibaq: Adobe products are avialbe in 30 day trials with full capabilites. no need to buy them for small projects.
Kids buying software: Remember the days of Atari?
We used to buy a game per month and play it till we master it. Now kids pay for 18 games same amount of a new game and play the intro and go back and buy more games and more games spending the same amount of cash and getting only trash.
Honestly, how many games can you play per week? or a month?
Solution: a magazine called Xbox (or others) where you get 20 Demos for 7 KD, cheaper than 20 games for 20KD and at least you get reviews, hints and tips and cheats 🙂
To Mark: None of the above and the answer is:
C) Lebanese to the bones and in love with a lady called Beirut.
Didn’t know that about Adobe, either way they didn’t get any money from me so no loss there.
I dont consider games back then even equal to games now. Todays games are boring in my opinion and just look pretty but have no real gaming value. Also back then I never owned many games we got a couple and played them till our eyes bled. Atari it was all about River Raid, and Nintendo was strictly Mario, and Donkey Kong. Yet back then we you went to buy a game you didn’t need long reviews or announcements you knew they were good.
Actually the games I play now are all pirated. The reason is they dont make them available anymore they are what is called abandon ware. They aren’t being sold so they are being shared online. So no loss revenue there for the developers.
I believe that developers of software should get their money for their work, but what annoys me is the tactics these developers go to in order to make the customer hate them by treating them as thieves. Then pricing their products at a level that one certain group can purchase.
Here is a good article about the way companies prices their software and how wrong it is: