Apple Apps Geek Kuwait

Hello Linux

I am posting this post using Linux on Nats powerbook. I feel like such a newbie using this OS. It took me like 5 minutes trying to figure out how to get the network setup though which is faster then it would have taken me trying to figure it out on Windows XP. Linux does feel allot like Windows though which isn’t a good thing. The OS is pretty fast and responsive running on Nats 867mhz pbook. I am running the live version of Ubuntu. The hardest part of working with Linux is I am using the Command key when I should be using the CTRL key for stuff like copying or closing windows. Anyway, gonna boot back up into OSX now.

6 replies on “Hello Linux”

I know the hardship of mistaking the command key with the control key. On my powerbook I have to use the command key +T to open new tabs in Firefox, on PC I have to use Ctrl hehehehe it sucks I keep mistaking the ctrl with alt :r

If you read my previous post on the iBook you will realize that its only 300mhz, has 32MB of RAM and a 3.2GB HD. Plus an 800×600 res screen. Installing OSX on it is out of the question and OS9 is not good for web browsing. Linux is the best option since I could install FireFox on it.

I’m not sure what Ubuntu uses as a window manager but if it looks like windows it’s either KDE or GNOME and I don’t think those would run fast on a 300Mhz. I personally use windowmaker and it’s the lightest I’ve seen that’s not bad looking.

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