I passed by McDonald’s today for a quick bite to eat and noticed they had spring rolls on the menu. I hadn’t had McDonald’s since before ramadan so I don’t know how long they’ve been serving them but I decided to give it a shot.
It’s very rare for a fast food place like McDonald’s, KFC, Hardees or Burger King to introduce an appetizer and have it succeed. The only successful appetizer I can think of is the popcorn chicken at KFC. With that in mind and with the fact that chinese food is the last thing I would think of finding at McDonald’s, I proceeded to order my spring rolls with caution.
I know this might sound crazy, I know that my taste buds can be screwy sometimes and I know the Chinese are going to hate me for saying this but… the spring rolls at McDonald’s weren’t bad at all. In fact they were pretty good. I’ve tried nearly everything that McDonald’s in Kuwait ever introduced to their menu and this is why I know to always expect the unexpected with them. When they introduced their Mushroom and Swiss burger I expected it to be the best burger they’ve ever created and it turned out to be the worst burger ever.
The spring rolls comes with a sweet chili sauce which is actually a big part of the reason the spring rolls are good. The price is also good, 550fils for 6 pieces. In the end, these spring rolls are not the best spring rolls in the world. They are not even close to being the best spring rolls in Kuwait but compared to what other fast food places are offering like the crappy Hot Rods at KFC or the overpriced cheese sticks at Burger King, these spring rolls are the best appetizers being offered at the moment and best value for money. I give them a 3.5 out of 5.
9 replies on “Review: McDonald’s Spring Rolls”
Those Spring Rolls were introduced in Ramadhan for McDonald’s restaurants in the Middle East and for a limited period…
Ever since Avian Flu Started a few years ago, alot of fast food places have been duiversifying their menus. The competition is always, and there is no more clear dominant of the industry.
i can’t believe the stupid KFC hot rodz are still being offered. they are fucking vile.
Egg rolls were sold in McDonalds London many years ago..
McDonalds is well known for diversifying their food. When i went to Singapore they had a meal which was basically a burger in a rice formed into bun-looking shape and they also sell chicken wings. In Greece I saw the Greek style sandwich which is similar to what we call here McArabia. They also have shrimps there. In the Philippine their burgers are sweeter (sugary). In Belgium they have croque monsieur. There is also McAloo Tikki in India… its all very interesting. We did similar studies in college about multinational companies.
You can simply visit their website https://mcdonalds.com/ and select a country and browse through their menus you will be surprised. Start with China…
Actually, the spring rolls were introduced for a limited time a few years back, with the limited time Chinese menu. They also had a limited time Italian menu.
come on now, mcdonalds offering spring rolls :s … i say let them stay with burgers, it’s better for them.
Mc donald is quiet good in adapting to a new country’s culture,tradition and values as in China they offer a Green tea Mcflurry or in India they have the veggie burger as they find the Cow a religious symbol and most of the India’s who are Hindu are vegeterians.
I tried them at the Sharq mall last weekend.
My expectations were not high beforehand and the spring rolls were even worse than I expected.
I’ve ordered it at S.Surra’s two weeks ago and it took them around 15 min., which was pretty near the time that I was finishing my meal. It took some time to cool down (damn hot) and it was Okay, though kinda of sweet. No one in Kuwait can make good spring rolls like the ones I had for breakfast at Chinatown in Chicago :S :S.