This is a cool little store that’s located on M1 in Salhiya Complex. It’s the outlet shop for all the Tanagra brands like Tumi, Orla Kiely, Lacoste and more. The problem is the majority of the time the items available aren’t that great but every now and then you might find something that’s a steal.
6 replies on “The Deal”
what about price diff? part of outlets being affordable is saving made on decor and location but this case is different!
Ranges from 30 to 70 or 80%
Its mostly stuff that hasn’t moved (due to obvious reasons), bundled for a low price.
Gr8 for giveaways!
It’s also discontinued models, old models etc..
Its at Salhiya though…So I don’t know how much of a “deal” one would get given the high rent and stature of the place.
I always buy in this place ,they have good price always
And specially their staff was so nice they don’t chose customer every one is pair. That’s make me always visit this store to buy some stuff for my customer specially MK bags and Swarovski items.