Events Fun Kuwait Personal Sports

We flew we flew!

we flew!

Today was such a blast! We got to Marina Waves around 9AM in the morning and first thing we had to do was move our plane to the proper location which was the front of the line. One team ahead of us had withdrawn from the event so we became team #3 instead of #4.

Our friends started to come one by one until our station resembled a large diwaniya then judges started passing by to judge and ask questions about our plane. Every time a judge would see our plane they would get this shocked look on their faces but they all had sense of humors and cracked jokes with us. They all agreed though that our plane was the most comfortable one to sit in, kinda like a lazy boy version of a plane. Later that we found out one of the teams had a large helium canister which we quickly took advantage of. We kept filling balloons with helium and passing them around to everyone to inhale, that cracked everyone up for a while.

Finally around 2PM they started the event and we were the third plane to jump off. We were dressed as traditional Kuwaiti fisherman which didn’t make sense at all but its not like anything else did. Every team had to play a song and have a dance before they pushed the plane off the ramp and our song was Sabo7a. I think that and our dance which was also traditional Kuwaiti cracked up people the most. For me I think the dancing was the worst part, I hadn’t danced the traditional Kuwaiti dance since I was like 10 years old in school so I was just a mess but who cared it was still fun. The rest of the team, Khalid, Bader and Marzouq were naturals though as you can see in the video at the end of this post.

Once we were done with the dance we got behind the plane and Bader who was our pilot got into it and we started to push. We pushed as hard and fast as we could and just before the end we let go and stood and watched. All I saw was our plane fly out a few meters and then slam hard into the water with Bader lying on his back and this look of horror and pain on his face. It was priceless! It was then our turn to jump in, we didn’t have to but we wanted to. The only reason we participated in Flugtag was to have some fun and jumping in was the last thing we had to do.

When you look down from the edge the water looks really far but I thought about that for just a second before I just went ahead and jumped in. For some reason I decided to land on my ass so I landed pretty hard and it was kinda painful but not as bad as landing on your back which Khalid and Bader did. The water was amazing and it was just an incredible rush jumping off after such a long and amazing day. I could hear the crowds cheering and laughing and I could also hear Bader, Khalid and Marzouq all laughing. We then got on the jet skis that came to rescue us to take us back to shore, me and Khalid got on behind this one guy and just as he was taking off the whole jet ski flipped on its side and we landed on an adjacent jet ski which was pretty hilarious at the time I don’t know why.

When we got back to the shore we met up with the other teams and they congratulated us and we shared with them our experience. After that we just packed up and left since we were all wet and tired.


I have to say all the other teams we met and interacted with were also a lot of fun. Majority of the guys there were there just like us to have a lot of fun. If you actually saw the planes at the event you can tell most didn’t care about winning, everyone just wanted to enjoy the day and crash land with style. From the teams, to the Red Bull staff and even the judges, everyone was very positive, super friendly and a lot of fun. I would definitely want to participate again next year maybe even with an updated plane although I love ours the way it is. After this event I actually suggested we convert our plane to a raft and just join the yearly raft race with it.

The pictures above were taken by Nicole except for the picture of goatse (we had spray painted it at the rear of our plane), that was taken by me. The video below was shot by Nat. Special thanks to Hashem (he doesn’t have a blog so I could link to) for helping us out by being our ground crew and helium supplier.

Kuwait’s Red Bull Flugtag 2007 from Mark on Vimeo.

61 replies on “We flew we flew!”

i went ESPECIALLY to see ur plane fly and i couldnt tell which team u were cuz the speakers couldnt be heard if u were standing by the sea!!so i couldnt hear wat was being introduced..but it looked like so much fun!
great job anyway:)

I really did hear from the crowds that u guys were the funniest team while i was there :p

I totally loved it ! great job guys .. well done πŸ˜€

It was fabulous! I thought your plane and the Mummy one were the only ones who looked like their wings were going to flap birdie style! As my gym teacher used to say it’s not the winning it’s the taking part that counts! Rock on!!!

Ok, is nobody else going to comment on the goatse? I will. Easily the best thing to spray paint on the back of a plane. Ever.

Looks like you had fun! Could you post the video on youtube? Vimeo is not accessible in the UAE. Have to agree with Nicole. This is fun to read.

guys el7imdelah ena ur all fine that the best thing πŸ™‚ it was a high ram and i dont know if there was enough sea under u lol

It’s in three newspapers though.
Arab Times, Kuwait Times and The Daily Star.
The article of the Daily for once is the Best, I think.

I still don’t know which of my pics presents the winning team. Can’t believe there’s no real website.
(I know, there’s one and they have a few pics, but still nothing clear who, when, why, what πŸ˜‰

The guy in the tshirt is Hashem with Life Party written on his shirt.

By the way I think it was or will be broadcasted on TV since there were tv crews and more than one. I am not sure if they broadcasted the same day live on KTV4 or something.

The team that came first were the Flying Stars (Mercedes Team) and I think everyone knew from the beginning they were going to win since they looked like typical german engineers. for god sake they built a miniature SLR and plane like wings for it! Oh and they all had super cool silver mercedes racing jackets, i should have asked them where one could get one of those…

By the way I think the event was actually pretty well organized except for the parking mishaps. Marina Mall barely has enough parking during a regular weekend so you could just imagine how messed up the parking must have been for all the hundreds of guests who showed up for this event. Nat arrived at 1PM and ended up giving her car to the Marina Hotel valet and then walked all the way to marina waves, it was just a total mess but I dont think it was in the hand of redbull. Where else could they host the event? It needs to be by the sea and Marina Mall i think has the most parking since its got the one near marina waves, near marina crescent, near hotel, near the events hall and around the actual mall. I think they just didn’t expect this many people to come. I think everyone was shocked…

i have a question 4 u MARK:

How Old R U ?? ive always wanted to ask u …. aniwayz gr8 job on the plane i went there with mii bro especially 4 u !!! ;p Luved it… even though the speekerz couldnt be heard from the beach, the moment the plane showed i knew it was urs!! ** ii Saw the pic you put on the day before!! ;p πŸ™‚

*** P.S ii Luv ur syte!! 3ajeeb!!

This event seems like a total failure. The only people there were you guys and some losers before you. I hope the guy who took the plunge can still have children.

Good luck

oooohhhh that piece of junk ( no offense πŸ˜› ) cost u 27 kd πŸ˜› i guess life is really getting expensive in q8 πŸ˜›

I think they did pretty good with what they had, there is no other venue in Kuwait which could take this many people as well as the ramp…

Girloooo at least we enjoyed our piece of junk πŸ™‚

Sidenote.. next time we add propellers!

MARK.. plzz answer the question # 47 plzzz answer it ASAP!!

Thanx!! ;p

*** Again: Luv The Syte!! gr8 job in the flugtag i was amazing!! ;p ;p ;p

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