Movies Television

How to get Netflix USA working in Kuwait

For those of you who’ve been using some sort of VPN or proxy service to access the US version of Netflix you’ve probably realized that’s no longer working. Since Netflix has started cracking down on VPN and proxy users a lot of the services stopped working with Netflix. I was personally using StrongDNS and later moved to OverPlay but both now stopped working with Netflix. But after a bit of research and trial and error, I did find one provider which worked with Netflix, Smart DNS Proxy.

They have a page up with the necessary steps you need to take to get Netflix to work with their service. I’ve been using it for a week now and even though it’s slightly buggy it’s been working for me. Basically by buggy I mean sometimes when I want to play a video it gives me an error that I can’t because I’m using a proxy. But after pressing play a few times the warning disappears and the video starts playing. Just an update, the service is working perfectly and it’s now a lot easier to set up. And yes it works with HBO, Hulu and Amazon Video as well.

Smart DNS Proxy costs the same as the other providers which is $4.99 a month but a few days after I signed up to the free trial I got an email offering me a discounted rate and I ended up paying basically $20 for a year which is pretty cheap. So if you’re looking for a DNS service that works with Netflix USA, these are the guys I’m using right now. [Link]

44 replies on “How to get Netflix USA working in Kuwait”

I read somewhere (Gizmodo, engadet?) that Netflix has admitted defeat. I guess they might all be working normally soon.

Unlocator also has a proxy that is stable and works and was one of the first to break the Netflix block. They have a money back deal if it doesn’t work. It needs to be a proxy service rather than a DNS changer because I think Kuwait ISPs hijack the DNS in order to censor (but I may be wrong on that). Certainly their Smart VPN works.

I got stung with HMA who did absolutely nothing to help Netflix users and refused to give any money back, even though some people only had their accounts with HMA in order to use Netflix (like me).

with StrongDNS my Netflix stopped working couple days back on apple tv, but works fine on other devices, help?

Unblock US has personally stopped working for me with Netflix, but I still use it for Hulu just fine

That said I dunno if anyone has actually noticed but the Kuwait selection for Netflix is actually becoming pretty decent. It turns out they’ve just been slow with adding stuff because they need to translate it first, every single thing they put up has arabic subs

Mark i started using smart dns but im getting a rather low quality videos, are yours hd? Im using zain as my main internet provider

Thank you Mark for sharing… I tried to register to smartdnsproxy today and did all the steps but it’s not working for me. I am sure there is something that I am not doing right .

I have a router flashed with ddwrt firmware and I connect to my roku media player to watch US Netflix . Can you share with how did you do it?


If its not to much to ask, can i ask for your settings? It Might be able to make my streaming more clearer..

In my area, im getting 6mbps, is it still slow? Are you using u.s DNS servers? Sorry for all the questions

Im using samsung tab S, it might be the connection.. before i was getting full hd, will try to contact zain.. thanks for all the help

Have tried StrongDNS and Smart DNS proxy but in both cases get the “Proxy Detected” pop-up. The proxy is working because I’m able to get onto a Showtime account in the US. Any ideas?

Accessing US Netflix using StrongDNS stopped working on Apple TV and all other devices almost a month ago.

Regarding SmartDNS you have to use the IP closest to your physical location (i.e. in Kuwait you have to use Turkey or other) otherwise it will be slow. For our luck Qualitynet are currently having problems with speed so this also might be a reason for low image quality. Not sure about Zain though.

To access Netflix via VPN you just need a VPN provider who provides VPN with static ip, since Netflix is monitoring the traffic coming from a single shared IP, Torguard is providing static IP with it’s VPN service.

Hey Mark, I tried using the smart dns with my Xbox and Apple tv. Netflix still didn’t work even though Hulu did. Any idea why?

hey Mark, i just joined smartdns but in order for netflix to work on my apple tv i supposed to tweak the static IP Route. but oared had this option blocked on their router. may i ask with internet service provider you’re using. and how did you get around this step.

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