
The Kuwait Metro Project has been Canceled

Although I knew there was a big chance this wasn’t going to happen to begin with, it still feels sad now that it’s been officially canceled.

The Supreme Committee of the Public-Private Partnership Projects Authority has decided to cancel the Kuwait Metro project, which is part of the Rapid Transport Systems Project. This decision, made in lieu of the Authority’s Board of Directors, was based on the project’s significant administrative and financial burdens on public funds, amounting to 2.152 million dinars, as reported by the Audit Bureau. Source

Back in 2012 they had stated the metro project would be completed by 2020. That didn’t happen but in 2020 they did say the project was still happening and gave more details would about:

Metropolitan Rapid Transit System Project (KMRT) will be built over five phases stretching over 160 kilometers, and will have 68 stations along three lines, according to the plan. The first phase of the project includes a railway stretching 50 kilometers from Kuwait City to Kuwait International Airport, with 27 new stations, 30 percent of which will be underground with two underground stations. Source

Since the metro is now canceled I’m not sure what’s the plan to improve the public transportation system will be, if there is one.

30 replies on “The Kuwait Metro Project has been Canceled”

You have identified the right reason. No expats = No public transports/taxi = No traffic ! Win/Win/Win Situation!

Kuwait has so much potential to attract tourists. Winters are so good here comparing to other GCC states. unfortunately its sad and 1 step down to progress

not being visa friendly for countries like India, Sri Lanka or Pakistan etc. if you have white passport then it is definitely visa friendly. It is now UAE, Qatar and especially Saudi has opened their borders for every1.

What does it have to offer for a tourist of any country….. Most restaurants per capita ? Im trying hard to think of something else sarcastically

jleeb al shuwaikh- amazing streets, well maintained roads, street vendors and food 😛 . Ghetto life style. Its located around Kuwait In’t airport, Kuwait University & Jaber Football Stadium

2.152 million kd for implementation of the entire project? that does seem like a small amount for all the trains, infrastructure, construction costs etc? r u sure thats the figure for the entire project? i thought it would run into billions…

There is no way they can implement a metro system for 2 million KD! I work in construction and a single Kindergarden school costs more than that. Even in developing countries, building a metro system costs 50m+ KD for a single phase. Elevated/underground Metro system + metro signalling systems + locomotives (presumably from Japan/France, cheaper from China/India) + Station constructions + wasta + delays is sure to run into billions of dinars. There are also no capable contractors in Kuwait to execute the works so have to bring in from someone abroad who has to pay commissions to local agent here which itself will be few millions of KD. So, no the article is not mentioning 2.152 million KD rather 2,152 million KD which is probably an unrealistic figure considering the amount of work to be done.

They’ve been talking about this thing for years, and all they’ve managed to do is dig a few holes. And even those holes are probably going to flood with rain.

And what’s the point of a metro in Kuwait anyway? It’s not like people here are going to take public transportation. They’re too busy driving their SUVs around the desert.

And if they did take the metro, what would they do once they got there? There’s nothing to see in Kuwait except sand and oil rigs.

So let’s just admit it, the Kuwait Metro project is a failure. It’s a symbol of everything that’s wrong with this country. We’re a nation of dreamers, always chasing after the next big thing. But we never actually finish anything.

I’m so upset, been following this for years and yet another disappointment robbing our children and the country of a future

I know this is almost 2 years old – but every time I come back from a developed country with a proper metro/sub system, I get sad.

Please reboot this project.

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