Yesterday I was reading how the director of Sin City left the Directors Guild because they wouldn’t let Frank Miller (the guy behind Sin City) co-direct the movie and today I just read how Paramount went ahead and allowed EA to make The Godfather videogame and they didn’t even bother to ask Coppola’s view on it. And now Coppola is really pissed.
Luckily with Sin City, the director Robert Rodriguez was able to take a stand on the issue and make a statement. If he hadn’t left the Guild and allowed Frank Miller to co-direct, the movie would definetly have come out a lot different. With EA, well, why didn’t anyone even to think to include Frank Coppola? Didn’t anyone at EA or Paramount think the game might actually turn out better if Coppola had a say in it? Is it the bigger the company the dumber they are?
But Coppola, who says he has managed to get a preview of the game, believes the characters have been mishandled. “They use the characters everyone knows, and they hire those actors to be there, and only to introduce minor characters. And then for the next hour they shoot and kill each other,” he said.
“I had absolutely nothing to do with the game and I disapprove. I think it’s a misuse of film.”
One reply on “The Godfather & Sin City”
they are EA , EA never had any respect for anyone or anything , like in command and conqar