Thats just sick!!! I didn’t think they got me on video during the burnt out!! Damnnnnn
If you’re going to have a carwash scene that damn long, at least have Jessica Simpson on not 7asanein!
The audio made it seem like an H&M commercial, but awesome nonetheless.
suspic this is Kuwait… there are no Jessica Simpsons and their won’t ever be.. and its not like they would ever let something like that happen and be recorded for live broadcast! If you can provide the Jessica Simpsons then the guys wouldn’t mind!
that music is b/s.
good stuff
Well Z(can I call you Z? Yeah, I can!), well I can’t bring you the scene with the foamy, hairy man chest of 7asanein was totally justified.
Yeah how come 75% of the video is the car wash, and like 10% of actual track footage?
And kill the DJ
AlWatan had the most footage from the carwash; They didn’t have as much time to record at the other locations.
If you don’t like the music, remix it.
Thanks K!
me likey
me will not miss this event next time 😀 i think more publicity will be nice
11 replies on “GulfRun3 Video.”
Thats just sick!!! I didn’t think they got me on video during the burnt out!! Damnnnnn
If you’re going to have a carwash scene that damn long, at least have Jessica Simpson on not 7asanein!
The audio made it seem like an H&M commercial, but awesome nonetheless.
suspic this is Kuwait… there are no Jessica Simpsons and their won’t ever be.. and its not like they would ever let something like that happen and be recorded for live broadcast! If you can provide the Jessica Simpsons then the guys wouldn’t mind!
that music is b/s.
good stuff
Well Z(can I call you Z? Yeah, I can!), well I can’t bring you the scene with the foamy, hairy man chest of 7asanein was totally justified.
Yeah how come 75% of the video is the car wash, and like 10% of actual track footage?
And kill the DJ
AlWatan had the most footage from the carwash; They didn’t have as much time to record at the other locations.
If you don’t like the music, remix it.
Thanks K!
me likey
me will not miss this event next time 😀 i think more publicity will be nice