I was chatting with Nibaq today and he mentioned that he might have read somewhere that Flickr was either banned in UAE or the ISP there is doing something to slow down the uploading of photos. So I decided to ask some UAE people on Flickr and this is what they had to say:
manaal says:
no idea….working fine with me.
w6an 3mry says:
it’s not banned but i think they are doing something to block some of the bad photos
Avish says:
:s inshAllah they don’t ban it totally coz i don’t know what i’ll do 🙁
7abo0ob el Emarat says:
la hopefully they wont cuz we all cant live without it 🙂
ZexySamurai says:
I can live without it! ‘_’ Hehehe, but I love it loads so I hope that’s not true…
P.S. the uploading speed is fine with me..
Eneas says:
what’s UAE?
Green Peace says:
it is working fine with me
16 replies on “Is Flickr Banned in UAE?”
“What’s UAE?”!!?
Thanks for the info, can’t seem to find that site with that comment.
I was worried since it came exactly after the Bahrain fiasco with registering of websites. But I wouldn’t put it past Etisalat, those guys have a banned sites list that rivals Saudi. They even blocked AOL cause it was bypassing their censorship proxy.
wow.. UAE blocking Flickr, that oughtta start a war. Have you seen how many of them there are and how many groups they have? wow!
Oh man , Fastelco just bloked it 🙁 .. i tried to access it but with no hope this msg keep on showing everytime , how dare them to block such a site :/
You were denied access because:
Access denied by access control list.
Just found something crazy :S
http://www.flikr.com — blocked
https://flickr.com — is not blocked
how could that be ??
+ sorry ,, the first site i missed on spell ..
i meant
https://www.flickr.com/ – blocked
because the addresses http://www.flickr.com and flickr.com could be routed to different websites on the server, they are not the same technically, but webservers typically route both to the default website…
fasttelco must have forgotten to block anything with a flickr.com trunk
There’s a lengthy thread in the Flickr Help forum that could shed some light on the dispute that’s arisen in the last couple of days.
yes flickr got banned yesterday =( … but a new flickr will be opened soon
its called uaeflickr.com
Etisalat Ip have blocked all access to Flickr as of yesterday..del
It’s blocked in the UAE
why do u think they want to block even jokes?
sorry, I apologize, here is
i wish that FLICKR is UNBLOCKED flickr now is a part from our life and i will wait 4 uaeflickr.com
btw when it will be opened
Yes Since 21st Jaunary 2007 , Flickr is blocked everywhere in UAE.I am a pro user on Flickr and missing my friends there on flickr to show them how beautiful is this country.Dont know the reason of blockage but YES ITS BLOCKED in now