
Green Rubber Recycling Fitness Tiles

Green Rubber Recycling is a local initiative where they recycle used tires to create a variety of rubber tiles including fitness ones. I found out about it by mistake while helping someone who was looking for workout mats and thought it was a very smart idea. Loads of people are working out from home at the moment so the GreenRub fitness tiles are a good way of converting a home space into a mini gym.

If you have neighbors under you it’s a good way of silencing your workouts but even if you don’t have neighbors under you, having a rubber surface provides cushioning to your joints during workouts and you also won’t worry as much about dropping your weights on the floor.

Their fitness tiles start at KD6 for a square meter and you can get more information on their online shop or by visiting their Instagram @greenrubq8

9 replies on “Green Rubber Recycling Fitness Tiles”

I found out about it by mistake while helping someone……

I found out about it by CHANCE while helping someone…..

Perhaps a better word?

Glad more people will know more about this company
Great initiative, and the tiles are excellent quality too

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