Coronavirus Things to do

Nothing to do in Kuwait this Weekend

There obviously aren’t any events taking place this weekend in Kuwait so what is everyone planning to do to pass time over the weekend and the coming two weeks? Video games? Movies? Binge watch 7 seasons of Parks and Recreation?

44 replies on “Nothing to do in Kuwait this Weekend”

currently downloading the new Call of Duty as I type this. Also just bought Cities Skyline on the Switch since it’s on discount for $9.99

Cities is amazing. I think of it more as a traffic simulator than an alternative for simcity. Can easily waste SOOOO many hours

THANK YOU!!! Please, scared people…stay in your air conditioned prison cells and wait for the vaccine! Meanwhile, weโ€™ll be enjoying the lack of traffic and wide open spaces!

except you’re not supposed to be going outside? You wanna get some fresh air and go for a walk around the block, sure. But going to public places like parks and beaches is gonna increase the risk of spreading the virus. You have a personal responsibility to follow the rules as much as you can. you being bored doesn’t justify breaking the rules.

“air conditioned prison cells” – way to mock people for doing their part in stopping the spread of the virus.

and it’s not about being scared btw. if this gets out of control and spreads, the medical facilities and staff in Kuwait wont be able to handle the large numbers. Italy right now are choosing who they must let die since they are lacking the staff to take care of all the sick ppl.

the lack of traffic and “wide open spaces” are thanks to the people adhering to the rules.. if everyone had your mentality there would be no “wide open spaces”.

There’s about 800 pages of the TWOFORTYEIGHTAM blog between its start date and when I moved to Kuwait.

Any months you particularly recommend?

Gonna sign up again to Xbox GamePass and just play play PLAY!

Also see whats worth watching on Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+

Last thing, update my Macs and any cleaning of files, plus backing up everything

Nice list of games to enjoy that I have not played/completed

1) The Outer Worlds
2) Ori and the Blind Forrest
3) Ori and the Will of the Wisp
4) Nioh 2 (Comes out tomorrow on PS4)
5) Boneworks
6) Half Life Alyx (March 23)
7) Doom Eternal (March 20)

For Switch owners who like strategy rpg’s I recommend Langrisser I and II. For everyone else I recommend Final Fantasy 7 Remake demo on PS4.

Yep Langrisser’s the best strategy JRPG you can get right now. The graphics are crap but the gameplay really shines. It’s a remake of an old classic. If you like Advance Wars / Fire Emblem this might be up your alley.

Nioh 2 , u would hve no problems facing Corona after committed to this game. ๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿผ

would recomend starcraft for pc gamers .
happy grounding everyone.

Check out the latest Odroid handheld. You build it yourself but kicks this into the dust. Emulates everything up to and including Dreamcast and GameCube…..

ok so wasn’t planning on getting one but then i accidently formatted my LDK which pissed me off so ended up buying an Odroid advance go off ebay. Will let you know what i think of it once i get it.

Reading some textbooks, practicing drawing all over again, watching all kind of tv shows, animes and movies and reading whatever I can from novels and books! Introverts basks in glory this vacation! Haha

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