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Halo 3 at Night

Halo 3 Map

Lately I been playing lots of Halo 3 and been staring at that image as I wait for my games to load. It really astonished me since I am very familiar with the picture the world at night showing the world’s continents lit up.

Yet on Halo 3 Africa and South America are dark spots with a dots compared to the rest of the world.

It reminded me of my post Google Per Capita on how many people have access to Google. Yet the Halo Per Capita is even more telling. Just a quick glance of the map you can see which countries have access to high speed internet and disposable income to pay for a XBox.

Update: The lights on Halo3 map lighting up on the day of the game’s launch

13 replies on “Halo 3 at Night”

You get a very similar image when running folding@home on PS3. The lights represent the number of PS3’s contributing to the folding@home project. There are almost no dot sin Africa, and except for Japan/Korea, not many in Asia/Middle east either.

Dude african countries…places like Kenya don’t have night lamps, you have to use your car lights on full. I swear it’s like natural camouflage for them.

…i hate halo 3 i don’t know why , COD4 for me ( Nov 4th ) , and i should buy PS3 for that KillZone 2 ( and Uncharted )

@Z District
Yea it was a big part of my reason to get a 360..

Now if only the Halo 3 owners on here would get together for one huge game …

you all halo 3 n00bs…add this game tag to your friend list “nubz Cyc” and get pwnd…we’re the best halo team in kuwait since halo 1

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