I have been addicted to American Hot Rod for like 2 months now. Its been more entertaining then American Chopper and Rides since there are a lot of problems on the show and most of them I could relate to. The pace of work, the impossible deadlines, the how fast can you do it not how good can you do it mentality, all typical issues common here in Kuwait. Yesterday night though Charley the painter, the most chilled out guy on the show had enough and decided to leave Boyd Coddington and join Boyds competitor, an ex friend and ex employee, Chip Foose. Foose is a regular on Rides and has his own show Overhaulin also on Discovery. It seems American Hot Rod is falling apart. None of the employees are happy and the best people have left the body shop so I don’t think I will be watching it anymore. For fans of the show if you want to talk to Charley he posts regularly on the Overhaulin forum, his nick name is idahoboy. [Link]
Category: Television
American Hot Rod
Celebrity CSI
Yesterday I watched a cool episode of CSI, it starred Wil Wheaton and Stephen Baldwin. I had actually been waiting to watch Wil Wheaton in CSI since I first read about it on his blog. For those of you who don’t know, Wil Wheaton played the part of Wesley Crusher, Dr. Beverly Crusher’s son on Star Trek The Next Generation. TNG is one of my favorite shows so I am a big fan of Wil Wheaton. Sadly though he didn’t have a very large role in the show which was disappointing since I had been expecting to see a lot more of him. Wil played the part of a crazy homeless guy who was a suspected of murdering a kid. Having Stephen Baldwin also in the same episode was awesome, he played the part of a cocaine dealer and we got to see him a lot more then Wil. I hope a lot more celebrities start popping up on CSI, makes the show even more cooler.
Some hardcore Simpsons fan in Australia actually went and built the Simpsons home from the cartoon. The interior is like a duplicate from the show with the same furniture and paintings on the wall. I wouldn’t live in the house but it does look pretty cool. Now if only someone would build Moe’s Bar.. here in Kuwait. More pics after the jump. [Link]
NBN a Lebanese TV station had their website hacked. I took a screenshot incase they changed it back. [Screenshot]
CNN Guy Loses It
Poor guy, I am sure he got fired after this. [Video 623KB]
The Sopranos Promotion
This is such a cool idea, the BBDO ad agency proposed to protrude fake arms and legs the trunks of taxicabs — right next to bumper stickers hyping the new season of the HBO megahit The Sopranos. HBO though refused to run this promotion but are now considering it to hawk the show’s sixth season. [via]
Funniest Scene Ever
I think the funniest scene I have ever watched is from Arrested Developement when the family is at the hospital emergency room waiting to see if Buster was ok after he got attacked by a seal and the doctor comes to them with news:
Lucille: How’s my son?
Doctor: He’s going to be all right.
Lindsay Funke: Finally some good news from this guy.
George Michael: There’s no other way to take that.
Doctor: That’s a great attitude. I got to tell you, if I was getting this news, I don’t know that I’d take it this well.
Lucille: But you said he was all right.
Doctor: Yes, he’s lost his left hand. So he’s going to be “all right.”
Lucille: [Jumping on the doctor] You son of a bitch! I hate this doctor!
Lindsay Funke: How do we keep getting this guy?
Michael: Mom, he’s a very literal man.
Doctor: Yes, that’s more the way I would take the news.
Million Dollar Baby
I watched a Million Dollar Baby last night. It was a really good movie but if I had known the ending was going to be so sad I wouldn’t have watched it. I also understand now why people were saying the title of the movie was so terrible. I also got to watch LA Confidential yesterday. I had watched it when it first came out as a cinema copy video and I remember getting bored half way and turning it off. Yesterday I watched it all over again and I liked it a lot. The coolest part was that the mob boss Mickey was played by Paul Guilfoyle, the police captain on CSI. Speaking of which, the first episode of CSI NY will be on August 22nd on TV Land.
CSI New York on Showtime
CSI New York will start playing on Showtime starting next month. This means we will now have all three CSI’s on Showtime which combined with the show 24 makes TV Land one of the coolest channels available.
Bring Back the Couch
Since the Daily Show returned with a new set, many of the devoted fans have complained about it. One guy went and created a website called Bring Back the Couch which talks about how the couch made the show, its really funny. So yeah. BRING BACK THE COUCH! [Link]
Watch TV Online
You can now watch your favorite TV shows online, including Sopranos, Joey, Arrested Development, Chappelle Show, MacGuyver, South Park and more. The service was free before but now only a handful of shows are free (Simposins and Ninja Turtles for example). But if you want to watch all the shows its only 8$ a month, not expensive at all. [Link]
Update: Anyone remember iCraveTV? I never was able to watch any of it since it required atleast 56kb connection and I was still on 28.8. That was cool, the site used to stream Fox and other channels live online before it was shut down. Nothing similar is available today.
Jackson Verdict
Me and Nat are up now watching Michael Jacksons four SUV’s convoy head towards the courthouse. The jury has reached a verdict and they will be reading it as soon as Michael arrives. Watching the convoy heading towards the courthouse reminded me a lot of when I watched OJ Simpsons chase on TV back in Canada. I love this live stuff and I hope he turns out not guilty.
Update: Michael is NOT guilty of any of the 10 counts.
Jessica Simpson
Turns out Jessica Simpson slept with Bam Margera (Viva La Bam) and Johnny Knoxville (Jackass). I might be able to understand why she slept with Johnny but Bam?!?! [Link]
Futurama Coming Back
There are currently preliminary talks going on to try and bring Futurama back (they got cancelled in 2003). This time though they won’t be coming back to TV, they would head straight to DVD instead. I hope they end up doing this, and if it works we might get other cool shows back like The Tick.
Paris Hilton Commercial
Heard about the Paris Hilton Carls Jr (Hardees) commercial that they decided was to pornographic for tv? Well now you can watch it at the directors site. [Link]
Update: Bumped up since the previous link went dead. New one is working now.