Internet Personal

Dial Up Sucks

I just purchased an internet card so I could get online from work. Our internet is still down and this is the first time I use a dial up connection in a long time. KD1 got me 15 hours of internet using Fasttelco which I think is really cheap. The connection though is veryyyy slowwww, I hate dial up. I still remember when I used to get kicked out of BBS’s because of my 2400 baud modem. Nibaq and I used to connect our computers together and he would send me pictures of the Texas A&M chick, each picture would take over 5 minutes to download from him because of my slow modem..

Apps Geek Internet

What’s in your Firefox?

What extensions do you have installed? This link has some interesting and usefull extensions. I just installed 3 of the ones the guy mentions. [Link]

Interesting Internet

Call the Internet

What the hell is this… I didn’t get it. Can someone please call the internet and tell us what you got?

Geek Information Internet Technology

Cheap Fiber Connection

Was just reading a post about Verizon’s new fiber connection in the States. The price is incredibly cheap and the connection speed is insanely fast!

Here are the monthly prices:
5 Mbps down /2 Mbps up = $39
15 Mbps down /2 Mbps up = $49
30 Mbps down /5 Mbps up = $199

In comparison I am paying $110 per month with Qualitynet for a 512kb down / 256kb up connection.


Internet Shopping

Send Flowers Online

My friend sent flowers to this girl he has a crush on in the UK. He placed the order online an hour ago and she just got them now. That is very fast service! He paid around KD20 for a nice small lilly vase plus a box of chocolates and delivery. [Link]

Electronics Geek Internet

Cracking WEP in 10 Minutes!

Last week I posted a link to a guide on cracking WEP, today I found another link showing you how to crack WEP in less then 10 minutes. Tivo-Guy should like this.. [Link]

Funny Internet

Internet Explorer – We Discovered the Web

I found this very funny site thats making fun out of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. Check it out.. [Link]

Interesting Internet

Google in Pig Latin

Is it like pig latin day or something? is all in pig latin. Here is a screenshot incase you miss it.

Update: Something is strange, it doesn’t work with IE or Safari, and none of my friends get the pig latin page except for me….

Update 2: Tivo-Guy found this link. Still no clue how and why I am getting piglatin as default for my page.

Food Interesting Internet

7 Things Not to do After a Meal

1- Don’t smoke- Experts have proven that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes.

2- Don’t eat fruits immediately – Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore eat fruit 1-2 hr’s after a meal or 1hr before a meal.

3- Don’t drink tea – Tea leaf’s contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.

4- Don’t loosen your belt – Loosening your belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked.

5- Don’t bath – Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.

6- Don’t walk about – People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.

7- Don’t sleep immediately – The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.

Geek Information Internet Technology

Nokia 770 Internet Tablet

Nokia Tablet

Finally a new gadget for me to crave and dream of. Its been such a dry period with gadgets lately with the same crap over and over. Nothing has been grabbing my attention, the Palm LifeDrive caught my attention for a full 5 minutes, but then I found out it ran on the ancient Palm OS 5 (where is 6?!?!) and that it would actually be less responsive then my current 3 year old Tungsten | T. Then suddenly out of the blue, the Nokia 770 tablet came along.

From all the companies on this planet, Nokia was the last one I would have imagined would come up with a device like this. This is what the Sony Clie was supposed to be and what Apple should have introduced, a pda like device that allows you to surf the web.

The current tablets in the market are too big, bulky and expensive, the OQO is tiny and cool but too expenisve, and PDAs generally have just been lagging behind in technology. The new Nokia tablet on the other hand is a mixture of a pda and a tablet pc, its the best of both worlds, a perfect combination.

The new Nokia has wifi, bluetooth, a large 800×400 resolution touch screen display (which is perfect for web browsing) and it runs on linux. The price? Only $350. The MAJOR downside is that its coming out next fucking year in fall! Why did they even bother to show it to us now, its teasing us. This is what I like about Apple, they don’t show you or tell you anything, and then when they do show us something, its available on their store 30 minutes later for purchase…

For more information on the Nokia Tablet click here.

Information Internet Emails

Just signed up for a webmail account, its free ofcourse. They only give you 5MB worth of space which isn’t a lot but on the plus side you can check you regular POP account emails. I guess this email address is pretty cool if you are a major Budweiser fan, personally I am not, would rather have an account..

Information Internet Technology

How To Crack WEP

Part 1: Setup & Network Recon
Part 2: Performing the Crack

Interesting Internet Music

Baby from Nirvana’s Nevermind

Ever wondered what happened to the baby from the Nirvana Nevermind album cover? I just found an article that has info on the baby, its a 14 year old kid now! [Link]

Design Internet

FireFox Mural

A handful of Firefox friends from Oregon State University went and painted a huge Firefox mural in the middle of the campus quad. The thing is huge and looks really cool. Too bad its not permanent. [Link]

Information Internet

No More Flash!!!

Finally, no more flash in flickr. The reason it took me so long to get with flickr was because I hate flash. And now, flickr has stopped using, thank god, feels good and fast now. Adding pictures to groups is so much more practical and easier now.