I don’t know whats up with this streak of 80’s & 90’s post but this is another one. Its a video of Mr. T singing a song about mother and how you should treat her right.. really gay and corny stuff, he looks cool though. [Link]
Category: Videos
Mr. T on mother
This is a really hillarious video. Its about a guy who decided to do the SuperSize Me documentary except with whisky. For 30 days he won’t drink or eat anything else other then whisky. Too funny.. [Link]
Addidas Commercial
This is a cool Addidas commercial, for some reason reminds me of Unreal Championship. [Link]
Remember when I said Doom was Doomed? Well I guess I was right. I just watched the trailer and I have to say I would rather watch my brother play Doom 3 on the Xbox. [Link]
Fight Video
I like watching people fight, this video is of a white kid and black kid fighting. Guess who kicks whos ass. [Video 1.2MB]
Amazon Special Deliveries
You can watch video clips of Amazons Special Deliveries by famous people now on their website. I am still waiting for Jason Alexander to drop by and deliver me the Seinfeld DVD. [Link]
Someone went and got all the videos from Live 8, cut them up into separate songs and uploaded them on line for everyone to download. They are pretty big files ranging from 30MB to 70MB so they will take you a while to download. Here is the link. [Link]
Update: Just finished downloading my first video, its pretty fucking good quality, really cool.
Ok last video for today. This video is of a guy dressed up in all black like in the Apple iPod commercials. He went to an Apple Store and started dancing in the middle of it. Strangest thing is that everyone around him seems to be ok with it.. [Link]
Another silly video, this time its a music video by a Hitler fan or something. Very strange and funny… [Link]
Update: Some of the lyrics.. “I stopped burning people and now I burn CD’s”, “Now the SS on my jacket stands for super smooth”, “I am no longer Nazi but I still like to party”.
This is from last week but I just remembered about it now. This is a short video of Tom Cruise killing Oprah.. [Link]
Cartoon Intros
The other day I posted a link to a site with some cartoon intro’s from the 80’s, the site closed down but I managed to download 4 videos, here they are:
Cartoons From the 80s
I found this site that has the opening videos of some cool cartoons from the 80’s. There was one cartoon I really used to like but had forgotten its name, turned out it was called Pole Position. Here are some of the videos, a lot more on the site.
Bionic Six
Dennis the Menace
Denver the Last Dinosaur
The Gummi Bears
Inspector Gadget
Pole Position
Rainbow Brite
The Real Ghostbusters
Update: Site is now down due to heavy traffic. I downloaded a couple of videos will upload them later if site is still not working.
Paris Hilton Commercial Remixed
Remember the sexy Paris Hilton Carls Jr (Hardees) tv commercial? Well there is now another commercial that is a parody of it. [Video Link]
I was just cleaning up my mac when I found a video of a fight between the Qadsia soccer team and I think a Bahraini team. Its a fight that happened 2 years ago maybe where the Qadsia team kick the other teams ass. [Video Link]
Grand Theft Auto Short Movie
Its a 129MB file but its worth it. If you have ever played Grand Theft Auto then you have to download it. Some guys went and acted out GTA in real life, its really cool and very funny. [Link]