Found this cool link via waxy that sells “Paris Made Me Change My Number” tshirts. The speed of the internet amazes me. No sooner did Paris Hilton’s phone and address book get hacked, and now there are already t-shirts making fun of it. If you don’t know what I am talking about I posted about it yesterday.
Paris Made Me Change My Number
I found this website that lets you draw your own bitmap font and then download it in Truetype format onto your computer. Works with Windows and Macs.
Bill Gates Doesn’t Use an IPod
Microsoft’s Bill Gates discussed iPods at Microsoft with news anchor Peter Jennings of ABC News.
From the transcript:
JENNINGS: On the subject of music, I read somewhere that about 80 percent of Microsoft employees who have a music playing instrument or a music playing device use an iPod.
GATES: Well, I doubt that’s the case. Certainly, the iPod’s a great success.
JENNINGS: Do you have one?
GATES: No, I’m not an iPod user. I use the Creative Zen which is a fantastic product. That’s another space where, even what we have today, whether it’s iPod or the other things are only the start of what we’re gonna have in a few years. People are gonna want choices. These things are going to be smaller or better, cheaper. So, music has changed. The age of the CD is really coming to an end.
JENNINGS: The public likes this tension between you and the others as I’m sure you know. So people want to know do you have an iPod. You say you don’t have. Did iPod beat you in this issue?
GATES: Oh the iPod did a great job, but what Apple’s done there is typically what they do. It’s their, only their one music store, only their device. What we’re doing is providing choices. So it’s like the Apple computer versus the PC. With the PC you can buy from many companies so you get cheaper prices, you get more variety and here with music devices we’re coming in with the same. But they’re a strong leader in the space and I think as we gain share, people will be surprised.
Taken from Cult of Mac
Sony PSP on Amazon.. Kinda
I have been checking daily for the Sony PSP so I can preorder one for me. Today I just checked and their now is a listing for the Sony PSP on Amazon but you can’t preorder! I dont know if this will change or not, at the moment I have the Amazon PSP page as my browsers startup page so I will know once they start accepting preorders.
For those interested, this is the link.
I was at Toys R Us yesterday and guess what I got! A Hoberman Mega Sphere! Today I went back and got two more mini spheres. They are really cool? Want to see it in action, here is a video I shot earlier.
Watch Video [Quicktime Format]
Note: I shot it on the stairs at home since it is the brightest place in the house
Kirsten Dunst is Ugly and Cheap
I hate it when people are cheap, especially people who have money. Kristen Dunst who makes 6 million dollars per movie and does around 3 movies a year, tipped a homeless guy 1 buck!? Come on, what a loser. Link
2001: A Space Odyssey
Found this really cool picture of Stanley Kubrick on the movie set of 2001: A Space Odyssey. This picture is really cool for many reasons.
Paris Hilton Hacked
Paris Hiltons T-Mobile Sidekick II was hacked awhile back. Now most of her private info is online. The Sidekick II is a phone with PDA like features and also has a camera built in. Today three of my favorite sites had links to places where you can see what was on her phone.
These sites might not be safe for work because they might contain Paris nudity.
Here are three links:
7 Pounds
Update: I just read somewhere that the Secret Service is now also investigating the T-Mobile hacking. Sites hosting the Paris Hilton stuff are being shutdown 1 by 1 so the above links might not work anymore.
Mac and More
Just got word that an Apple store opened at Galleria 2000 called Mac and More.
The store belongs to IOC, the same guys who put the Apple stuff at Eureka and Virgin. They are supposingly getting the Mac Mini next week. Tivo Guy who now has a blog gets it tomorrow. I am sure he will take many pictures for us fans 🙂
Update: The store it seems does NOT belong to IOC. Check this
A few months ago I saw the following on
Dunkin’ Donuts is the world’s leading coffee & donut chain, with over 5,500 stores in 40 countries. Continental Food Est. is the franchisee for Dunkin’ Donuts in the United Arab Emirates, and currently operates 26 Dunkin’ Donut stores throughout the UAE. Continental Foods Est. has been granted the franchise for Dunkin’ Donuts in Kuwait and is planning to open the first store by the end of 2004.
Its 2005 now.. where are you Dunkin’s Donuts??
I just went to to sign up for an Advantage Card. I found their application form a bit too nosy but most of the questions are optional to answer. The website is interesting, and seems regularly updated. They have a Just Ask section where you can ask for a product which isn’t available in Kuwait and they will order it for you. I asked for A&W Root Beer.. NON diet. For some reason they only get the diet version in Kuwait which sucks. They have a New Arrival section on the site which is cool and if regularly updated then thats really cool. The site is quick loading and easy to navigate. They have a carreers section for those of you looking for a job. So overall I think the website is actually pretty good. Shall we say… 4 out of 5?
I’m fucking sick.
OK I hope this is not true because I would be really jealous if it happened!
ThinkSecret is reporting that the next update to the iPod mini will include a 5 or 6GB hard drive and full-color screens. The price will remain the same, at $250. Expect an announcement within the next two weeks, they say.
Urgh! Just when I was starting to get comfortable with my blue ipod mini they will be releasing new ones with colored screens! SUCKS!
The Joy of Tech!
Ok, a lot of posts today but just because I need to fill this blog up a bit. Just read todays Joy of Tech cartoon, its making fun out of Windows.. really funny check it out.. The Joy of Tech!
I just finished working on the site’s template. I think I am nearly done. I created this blog as a B-Side to Miskan. Basically I sometimes I have little things I want to say and I can’t say them on Miskan because I can only post once a day there. With this site I can post whenever I want, about whatever I want and even post pictures which didnt make it to Miskan . As a bonus, my wife (nat) is also gonna start posting here. She never had a blog before so this will be her first time. I would also like to thank Tivo Guy for hosting this blog on his server. Thank you!